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    Friday, January 1, 2021

    Black Desert Online I wanted the Canape outfit box... :P

    Black Desert Online I wanted the Canape outfit box... :P

    I wanted the Canape outfit box... :P

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:04 PM PST

    BDO Customization 101

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:18 PM PST

    10x Elion's Tear & 2x Loot Scrolls for 5 Pearls - 24 hours only.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:51 PM PST

    Happy New Year! 2021

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:24 PM PST

    RNG was on my side & now my lahn is a proper chef

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:52 PM PST

    Me trying to convince myself to not enhance with the free fail stacks they give and just buy all my gear instead

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:23 PM PST

    PSA: Might and Fortuna helmets are equivalent to Heve, and are at the same time, cheaper alternatives. There is no reason to buy Heve if there is a cheaper alternative available.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:31 PM PST

    All possible EXP/SP buffs in the game (~3000/4000%)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:34 AM PST

    Moments before my friend quit the game.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:51 PM PST

    [GUIDE]Tips to chose your carrack type

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:54 AM PST


    This is a guide on choosing your carrack type. I hate having to look at videos for informations so i decided to write this thing to help people that are into sea content and still didn't decide what way to go.

    I am not going to explain how to build your ship, there's pleny of informations about that, this is something for people that already wet their feet into the ocean.

    Well let's start o/

    As you already know there are four carrack types


    • Advance = bartering
    • Balance = manoeuvrability
    • Volante = speed
    • Valor = boom

    a bit more in details now..

    Advance : This is the best ship if all you care about is bartering. This ship offers the highest LT possible at the cost of the ship speed and firepower. While bartering all that matter is the LT limit and only in the second place the speed and this ship is the slowest. You don't need to have blue gear since the standardized green gear gives 20.900 LT that is plenty to barter and cheap to achieve. It's a bit easier to build since it requires less daily quests and it's the perfect choice if you're casual and not too much deep into sea content. The blue gear enforce the ship main stats further more, providing 24.500 total LT, which is not game changing but a very expensive luxury. With the recently added magoria sea crystals it's possible to hit the sweet spot of 21.000 LT without blue gears, this is great since it allows for a full 20x t4 > t5 deals in a single travel (100m silver) without the need to remove a sailor. Pushing this ship to it's very limit assuming top end lifeskill gear, V manos sailing clothes and perfectly rolled sailors, a speed of 165% is achievable, togheter with 24500LT ( or 25.000+ with margoria LT crystals) allows for overload sessions of 50.000 LT that is crazy good for bartering, and by going with advance you MUST overload to abuse the ship extra LT as much as possible. Add on this a tagged character and you'll easily see half million parley gone in a single travel. For more casual players a speed of 150% is easily achiavable, and it's more then enough. Bartering is boring and the time saved by this ship can be spend by doing something more enjoyable. Owning an advance doesn't exclude SMH, it just make it tedious. This ship have the lowest damage output and the smallest ammo capacity togheter with the longest cannon reload times. If you own this ship and want to make the blue gear, do yourself a favour and build a valor. Of course you can do the grind with your advance, but it's so much worst.

    Balance: As the name suggest, this ship is an all-arround type or hybrid. It's a good ship for people that want to do everything on a single ship, but don't want to excel in anything. The ship main stats comes from Turning and Brake, that don't have a relevant place in the current meta, thus this ship is not having a real meaning. It's LT it's worst then his sister advance (-2000LT) But it's 5% faster which doesn't really matter with that LT tradeoff. Blue gear feel necessary for bartering but it's not justified since the cannon damage increase is absymal and the speed gains doesn't get any more relevant then the other carrack variants. Extra turning speed can be handy in PVP scenarios, but the cannon reload times are the same on the advance, meaning you turn and wait to get sinked. Don't get me wrong the ship is still a good Jack of all trades, but it's not the best for anything. In the sailing community is labeled as a meme, maybe things gonna change in the future, but for now i suggest you to don't go for this type. It also takes 50x tears of the ocean... (8 days more then Advance)

    Volante : If you want to be the fastest, this ship is for you. Volante have the peak speed of all the carrack types, it's a good all arround ship that gets the job done way better then the balance at a cost. The extra speed means versatility in both PvE and PvP, we all know how much boring it is to do margoria barters, but with this ship it's a zoom zoom. With the crazy lifeskill setup mentioned before this ship can hit 180% speed, that is crazy and funny to drive. For casuals a speed of 160% is easily achiavable. However it's very expensive expecially at the beginning. If you go volante you must get FULL blue gear otherwise this ship is meaningless. Bartering without blue gear feels choked and you need that extra speed soon as possible, so get ready to dump all your coins or just get an Advance. Don't overload when you barter with it, if you brick your ship speed all you're doing it's useless. Reccomanded to get blue cannons and plating first. SMH scenario is absolutely nice, this ship is second in damage just on her sister Valor (15.500 cannon damage vs 18.000) that makes it solid in grinding saltwater crocodiles and some extra speed is never bad (let's go sycraia should we?) in PvP the speed matter way more then the damage, expecially against the gankers coming to bother you randomly that gets lost by your speed, and the desync. In a "serious" fight extra speed means dodging cannon balls and repositioning, which is golden. The blue cannon shorter the volleys cooldown by -1 second, it's not game changing in PVE, but feels good in PVP. TLDR Get this ship if you go deep into sea content.

    Valor : This ship is the best SMH ship, the worst bartering ship. Don't get me wrong, you can barter just fine with it, but it's not meant for it. It doesn't have much extra speed compared to an advance or balance, NO LT GAINS. Definitively slower then volante. All this ship essence can be summed into the blue cannon which is a tool of mass descruction. 18.000 damage per hit, -2 seconds cooldown between volleys, when you try them you can't enjoy volante damage anymore. Blue gear is mandatory aswell for the LT that you must increase soon as possible if you barter with it (max you can get is 19.000 LT) but the absolute must is the blue cannon, having a valor means you have that aswell or this ship has no meaning. In PVP you have a good time if your enemy is an idle potato, overall you will win against advance and balance users, but good volante people gonna give you a hard time. All that damage means nothing if you can't hit them, meaning this ship is a top quality PVE tool but not the best in PVP. (for what it can mean) even in self defence you risk to swap against volantes, they can play with you no matter what you try. Go valor if your want to grind mobs, its ideal to get the magoria crystals for example. This ship have the biggest ammo capacity, (yes we can restock it with silvers) but it's nice to save some. On crocs the extra damage from the cannon makes them die in 4 volleys instead of 5 which saves time.. and money.

    Good to know :

    A little reminder that blue carrack gear is very expensive, but not in silver... in TIME. A single piece of blue carrack gear costs 50.000 coins, and you must grind saltwater crocodiles to collect the rest of the materials. A full blue ship +0 cost exactly 200.000 coins assuming you have all rest.

    Go get all the materials from crocs you gonna use agris points, this is the most important part. Never grind crocs without agris. Expect to drop an averange of 10 to 40 scales in 1h with lootscroll on and a good buddy with you. The grind it's not so much long but an averange of 12-20 hours. (This is the easy part)

    A single sea coin value is arround 70.000 silver more or less.

    The process to upgrade those pieces of gear is an enormous time sink, 1 sunset stone cost 500 coins and takes an averange of 5 hours to craft in Liliya Island. Meaning a couple of clicks per day. The enhancing is soul crushing, starting from +1 you are going to use 40fs, and you'll usually click +10 using 100 fs. Doing it for four pices of gear is a big investiment.

    from +0 to +10 it's an averange of 100+ sunset stones... do the math and think what is worth for you ahead.

    I hope this gonna help you i go back to barter now, lemme now o/

    submitted by /u/RedTheMad
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    Nova pre-awakening 240/293 Hysteria. Sorry for low quality. Feel free to down vote. Didn't think it would be that dark.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:56 PM PST

    BDO - Dark Knight Awakening Guide (2021)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:35 AM PST

    How does tag works?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:31 PM PST

    Hello everyone!

    I'm play since start of season, so I'm quite newbie. I heard that there is a tag option to copy the gear of your main character on another one. It possible to copy Tuvala gear post graduation? Or just gear playable only in normal servers? And, if I copy a TRI awakening armor, for example a Dandelion, from my main Striker to my secondary Sorcerer for example, what do I have to do to upgrade it to TET? If I upgrade on my Striker, this would be transferred to the other alt? Or what else?

    submitted by /u/Criccoo
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    Nova Fanart!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:03 AM PST

    Black Desert Online - Dark Knight Succession 2021 PVP (HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:51 PM PST

    Some pics of my Nova and my Sorc friend :)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:59 AM PST

    Welcome to my Farmer's OCD paradise

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:35 AM PST

    A Shai New Year

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:41 PM PST

    Heidel's newest addition

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:40 PM PST

    What class do you main and why

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:49 PM PST

    I main guardian cause I'm into the whole damage burst lava style...also thicc thighs do be my demise lol

    submitted by /u/MelonFrenzy
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    Happy New Year BDO

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:34 PM PST

    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:23 PM PST

    made a quick world boss alt guide for any noobies out there, enjoy!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:13 PM PST

    Hey I just got the game

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:35 PM PST

    Anything I should know? Tips?

    submitted by /u/linkster271
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