• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 22, 2019

    Black Desert Online Christmas event be like

    Black Desert Online Christmas event be like

    Christmas event be like

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:29 PM PST

    Made a mistake...Nevermind

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:36 AM PST

    Ryzen CPU Affinity Mask List (I get asked this way too much, despite making it as simple as possible in my guides.)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:31 PM PST

    So about that PA..

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:14 PM PST

    the most low effort sorc meme ever created

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:35 PM PST

    NA Siege Guild Rankings 12/21/19

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:22 PM PST


    12/21/19 NA Siege

    The holidays are upon us. This will a shorter report as it is the holidays and not a lot happened. There are a few differences in the rankings this week that a month ago I would have laughed at. I will be adding a fight or 2 that I would like to see from each guild in the start of 2020 from their perspective.

    1. ChoNation

    Cho fought in a 2v2 on Calpheon with Basi against Corrupt and Barcode. Before the siege started my first thoughts were, whichever side Cho is on has an advantage even though Cho was in the castle. Cho started out quite slow in the siege, probably from not having a fight for several weeks, but quickly got going. They lost both gates within the first 15 minutes. Both gates down in 15 minutes in Calpheon looked grim, but Cho and Basi worked well together, stabilized the fight and then got the momentum. From there it was a slow siege for Cho on Corrupts base with their main ball while flex was helping at the castle. Even though Cho was fore heading onto Corrupts base their kill feeds were decent. After about an hour they took down Corrupt. At that time their base was still around 85% with most of their buildings rebuilt. From there, they took down Barcode with Basi and handed the region off.

    For the top 3 guilds, each one fighting the other would always be fun to see. I won't be adding this in Snake or BlackRose section as it's each guild fighting each other.

    Cho vs Blackrose

    Cho vs Snake

    Blackrose vs Snake

    TLDR: Fought well in a 2v2 on Calpheon. Lost both of their gates in the first 15 minutes but took momentum in the fight and took down Corrupt in 1 hour. Walked off the region after taking out Barcode.

    2. Snake

    11 guilds dropped on Mediah with Snake in the castle. Snake did not show.

    TLDR: Merry Christmas!

    3. BlackRose

    Dropped on Mediah for the 3rd week in a row. They dropped several other alt guilds with them. Snake did not show so they took the region.

    A last minute note before end of the year, it's even more evident that there is a big gap between the top 3 guilds and the rest.

    TLDR: Took Mediah, Snake didn't show.

    4. Barcode



    Brief Summary of the fight for each side

    Barcode was a part of the 2v2 on Calpheon allied with Corrupt. Barcode started out defending both bases, then once Corrupt got the 2nd gate low they made a push and took it out. Within 15 minutes they had both gates down. Barcode took control of the roof above Cho's fort and were doing decent damage for a bit. Eventually they lost control and were never able to get a foot holding in the castle even with both gates being down. Barcode had to fight Basi inside the castle and it was back and forth fighting which never allowed Barcode to do anything to Cho's base. I saw Barcode outside of Corrupts base a few times helping to wipe Cho, but for the most part they were engaged with Basi. Barcode CTG'd onto Basi while Corrupt was going down but nothing came of it. After Corrupt went down, Barcode also fell not too long after.

    Basi was allied with Cho for this fight. Their job was to run interference with Barcode at the castle. Basi did a great job of stalling Barcode. They used Shai's in the castle chokes, and the ball to ball fights with Barcode were even trades. Which meant that neither guild could do much after each engage because they were both wounded. What it did give though, is Cho having the ability to keep pushing Corrupt, which is a win for Basi. They stalled Barcode for about an hour, and Cho's base was never in danger.

    Corrupt was allied with Barcode as I said above. Corrupt had the unfortunate job of trying to hold Cho off their base. While we all understand that this is eventually a losing fight for Corrupt (vs. Cho) they held strong. Besides 1 or 2 instances of Barcode helping, it was mostly Corrupt holding out. As far as Corrupt vs. Cho went, Cho had the advantage but Corrupt had good wipes on Cho's ball, and several of the feeds were filled with blue and red. They had an opportunity to use their CTG on Basi while Barcode defended their base, but they decided against it (easy to see in hindsight).

    Thoughts and Rankings

    Barcode has been the clear #4 guild for a long time. You could see the rumblings in the past few months though, but it never felt like enough to bump them down a peg. For this ranking and for the rest of 2019, all 3 guilds are ranked at #4. I think there are enough strengths and weaknesses of these 3 guilds that allow this to happen. I've mentioned this numerous times, but Barcode has been looking off, along with a lot of their members changing classes to fit the meta. Barcode's weakness has been being the offensive guild in a 2v2 when fights are close. There was a similar 2v2 on Valencia about a month ago fighting both Basi and Corrupt, the fights looked much better then for Barcode which is what keeps Barcode tied at the #4 spot. There might be a bit of underestimating Barcode after what people have seen, which could be attributed to their current political standing but its clear something has to change to reclaim that solo #4 spot.

    Barcode vs Basi is the fight I want to see for Barcode.

    Basi and Corrupt have both been on an upward trend for months. Their fights have been fun, and their guilds have gotten more gear and a lot of practice. Especially on node wars. Node wars don't matter as much but they still give guild cohesion and practice. Basi had a good showing against Barcode, trading a lot of the fights and Corrupt had a good showing trying to defend their base from Cho. Both guilds are crafty, have good special teams, and know how to make plays. To be honest they are similar in a lot of ways. Which would make sense because they have been sieging together for a few months.

    Basi vs Barcode

    Corrupt vs Basi

    Corrupt vs Barcode

    TLDR: 2v2 on Calpheon was interesting. It looked grim for Cho and Basi in the first 15 minutes as both of Cho's gates were destroyed. Basi stabilized the castle and traded engages with Barcode for the remainder of the fight. Cho eventually took out Corrupt in about an hour. Both Basi and Cho killed Barcode. Cho walked off and Basi took Calpheon. Barcode, Basi, and Corrupt are all tied at 4th in the rankings.

    7. Vexis

    Vexis didn't show on Valencia.

    The interesting thing with Vexis is that most of the time they are separated from the rest of guilds when they fight. There was the 2v2 on Valencia about a month ago but that is the last even fight that they were a part of. In the past Vexis has fought Basi in Calpheon both in and out of the castle. Both guilds won when they were out of the castle. These fights were about 2 months ago, maybe a bit longer (which means Vexis and Basi at that time were very close). What we all need to see is Vexis fighting one of these guilds to answer some questions. With that being said, they have gotten great opportunities being in different castles which hopefully helped boost their gear score. Vexis is one of those situations where its hard to pinpoint just how strong they are. It just so happens that the guilds above them have been fighting together for months, so its easier for me to see them weighed against each other. Vexis could come out swinging in 2020.

    Vexis vs Basi

    Vexis vs Corrupt

    Vexis vs Filter

    TLDR: Read above.

    8. Filter

    9. Challenger

    Filter and Challenger both dropped on Balenos to fight 1v1. For the sake of both guilds on the same region they are being talked about in the same section but note that Filter is stronger than Challenger. There wasn't anything too fancy to talk about, both guilds just wanted another decent fight and practice before the end of the year. For Filter (their main shot caller was missing) most of the fight was outside Challenger's base. The fight lasted about an hour because they wanted to practice, it might have ended about 15 minutes earlier without the agreement. Most of the engages went in favor of Filter but Challenger was able to wipe them out of their base and wipe them if they were slow to group up.

    Filter is rebuilding their guild in the correct way. They aren't jumping right into castle siege which kills most guilds. Their guild stays hovered at 100 members which is big. I look for Filter to make moves early in 2020.

    Challenger is looking to get things rolling a lot like Filter did. I think they are a few months behind Filter in terms of being as organized as Filter, but they are well on their way. They have players that want to siege and are also holding strong hovering around 100 members. Challenger has the guild composition and the gear to compete, they just need a few more pieces to tie everything together. I look for Challenger to get more good fights and practice on Balenos and Serendia, and then move on from there.

    Filter vs Basi

    Filter vs Corrupt

    Filter vs Vexis

    Challenger vs Legatum

    TLDR: Filter vs Challenger on Balenos. The fight was mostly for practice but was great to see them 1v1. Filter ended it in about an hour, then walked off. The region stayed with Fortune.

    10. VRTX

    FYI- I am making this bold because some people don't read it and freak when they see VRTX 10th. This is a placeholder until we see some fights. You could make a case to go back to their old ranking and what not but I'm not just going to slap them in somewhere. Although it is mostly the same guild, it's still a change. They have some new leadership which will hopefully work out for the better.

    VRTX dropped Valencia and took the region because Vexis didn't show. VRTX is about to have 97 more real members which should help them in a lot of situations. I expect good things in 2020.

    VRTX vs Filter

    VRTX vs Corrupt (their NW's have been insanely close)

    VRTX vs Vexis

    TLDR: Read above.

    Up and Coming Siege Guilds



    Legatum and Aftershock had a 1v1 on Serendia. The fight was mostly at Aftershock's base. Both guilds traded kills back and forth, but Legatum had the momentum in the fight. Legatum had their special teams set up well and that made a difference. Once they de-annexed Aftershock it was a slow burn till the end. It looks like both guilds had fun duking it out on Serendia. Legatum took Serendia in roughly an hour.

    Legatum has had fun on Serendia two weeks in a row. It's great to see them come straight from NW's and winning Serendia fights. It seems likely that Legatum makes the move from up and coming guild to possibly a push at a top 10 spot, can they do it? It should be an exciting 2020 for Legatum.

    Aftershock is still in the early rebuilding phase. I believe they still have elephants they would like to build and building a guild core takes time. We should see Aftershock do a lot of rebuilding in the first quarter of 2020. In terms of Balenos and Serendia we should be seeing Challenger, Legatum, Aftershock, and hopefully some new guilds in 2020 fight over these regions.

    Complete List




    4.Barcode, Basilicacorps, Corrupt







    This will be the last siege rankings of 2019. I said it would be short and it's still long. Most guilds won't be doing much next weekend, if they do, I will put it in the first rankings of 2020. Also, I would like to say thanks to the people who enjoy reading these. I hope everyone enjoys the holidays however you celebrate them!

    ---edit: I don't know how to indent Basi and Corrupt on Reddit...RIP



    submitted by /u/IVIeleeee
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    Giath spawned in a low level area. My Tamer was too low leveled for him to attack her. They are BFFs now

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:25 PM PST

    PA be like 25k > 15k

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:39 PM PST

    What do you guys think of my Lahn design? (^~^')

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:49 PM PST

    Me and my Sword Of Valhalla +8 ♥ (Lineage 2) xD

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:32 AM PST

    Can this game be enjoyable if i don't plan on spending any money?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:51 PM PST

    As the title says, i wanna know if this game can be enjoyable if i don't plan on spending any money (outside the one used to buy the game).

    I would also love to know if i'll be forced to purchase stuff through the cash shop as i progress the game.

    I've already played the free trial but don't remember it very well other than enjoying the combat. Would love your help!

    submitted by /u/Bardimir
    [link] [comments]

    I don’t have good graphics but I just got into BDO and can’t stop playing

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 11:12 PM PST

    When The map bugs and draw a bow for you.....

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:19 AM PST

    Good PC but low FPS? Here is a possible fix.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 09:30 AM PST

    I have an i7 8700k and a 2080ti. If you have pretty much the same FPS in remastered and very low, you might be having an issue, like I and 3 of my friends with similar builds did before they did this:

    Uninstall gpu drivers via DDU in safe mode. Reinstall them via the Nvidia Website (Do not install GeForce experience)

    Follow this guide

    Do this

    Then clean your registry and your pc using CCleaner with these settings (yes it's not a screenshot, I made my mom take these since I can't access my pc for 2 weeks)

    If you get 2k+ Frames with a laggy background in the starting menu of the game while in full screen, your FPS issues are fixed.

    Edit: No, I am not grounded from my pc. I am on another continent than my PC.

    submitted by /u/Demir2k
    [link] [comments]

    (don't upvote) What is wrong with the texture rendering every step?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:49 AM PST

    PSA: you can use a 0 durability triple float fishing rod for the quest today

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:04 AM PST

    BDO SEA (Steam Version) Server Location?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:33 PM PST

    I am from Philippines and I just started, I checked the ping via the resource monitor and found out that it is hovering above 200ms. Well, the latency is very noticeable when playing.

    submitted by /u/jehbe5
    [link] [comments]

    Pearl item shop costume/outfit preview not showing up?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:14 PM PST

    So i'm a shai and wanted to preview the marigold outfit, however for some reason when i click A on it only goggles appear on my shai's head and her outfit color slightly changes. the same goes for any costume/outfit is there anyway to fix this?

    submitted by /u/IEatLettuceEveryday
    [link] [comments]

    Beauty Album!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:41 PM PST

    Hello! can help me share for template from beauty album, please! Help would be really appreciated.! <33



    submitted by /u/JulienHyo
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    Filter Guild Montage

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 11:51 AM PST

    There's some weird fish inside my aquarium

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:40 AM PST

    PvP 52 - Tamer - Vash - Black Desert SA - Hope you Enjoy

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 10:26 AM PST

    PS4 Console region question, please help.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:05 PM PST

    Hello everyone. So I am from the middle east, but my PS4 account is currently US. is there any way I can play the game on EU servers? Is it possible to Purchase the game on an EU account, and then start it from my main account, or is the game account locked on PS4?

    submitted by /u/Trimaxx
    [link] [comments]

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