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    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

    Black Desert Online Daily Questions and Answers Post

    Black Desert Online Daily Questions and Answers Post

    Daily Questions and Answers Post

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:08 PM PST

    Hello and welcome to /r/blackdesertonline! Please use this thread to ask any simple questions you have about the game and hopefully one of our helpful community members will be able to assist you.

    Also, check the sidebar and dropdown links for links to helpful resources.

    This thread will be refreshed every three days to allow adequate time for responses.

    For new players, these links may be helpful:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Patch Notes - 4th December 2019

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:52 AM PST

    Results from 300 Zodd kills

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:30 AM PST

    BDO Siege Guild Tier List & Discussion

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:59 PM PST

    Hello Gamers,

    It's been awhile since a BDO siege tier list has been done for the community and I figured why not try to add content to the siege scene in hopes to build more interest around it. Hopefully this article and future articles will be informative about the current siege guilds, some positive and negative aspects of each, and where they stand in a tier list.

    I hope to add some cool features to future articles like clips or even streams that feature a good POV for a siege. Along with some other ideas that might come later down the road.

    This first article will be a bit longer because I want to dive a bit deeper into each guild and where they are placed currently in the siege scene and why. Others will cover just the current siege week, but this one will have a bit of the past in it as well. Grab your popcorn hope you enjoy the read.


    1. Cho-Nation

    2. Snake

    3. BlackRose


    I assume this will be the most controversial part of the rankings so why not start it out with a bang. Memes aside these are by far the 3 strongest guilds. I would also like to point out that any 3 of these guilds could hold the region while in Valencia or Mediah. Cho and Snake have never had a true fight to my knowledge in recent history besides when it was Chotex vs BlackMamba in Valencia and at that time it looked like Snake had Cho's number pretty well. However, I am putting it as is because Cho is more versed in open field fighting and just has more practice fighting in general. The composition of the guilds for Snake and Cho are relatively the same as well. For those who are new to siege, both guilds have high number of Witches/Wizards, which is very strong in ball v ball engages. I'm not sure if we will ever see these two go at it so the only assumptions we can make are each of these guilds fighting other guilds and analyzing it in that fashion.

    BlackRose vs both Cho and Snake currently looks like a losing matchup for BlackRose. There was a 2v2 on Mediah a few weeks ago and for all intent and purposes it was a 1v1 between BlackRose and Cho. I believe Cho won all but two engages vs BR that day. Cho has also held out better in some 2v1 situations. We have had some BlackRose vs Snake fights in recent memory. Both of those fights had each of them win with Mediah castle advantage. For those readers that are new there was a 1v1 on Mediah 2 weeks ago with Snake holding Mediah and BlackRose attacking. There was an unfortunate bug about an hour into the fight, but up to that point there was no threat on either gate.

    BlackRose has always favored more of a skirmisher composition and it has done good things for them in the past. The problem with it is, is if the skirmishers aren't in position when the ball v ball engages, they are useless because the side that won the ball fight most likely will win. I think a rematch open field with Cho is on the minds of BR leadership and I hope we all get to see that fight soon. Even with the "weaker composition" they still hold their own vs Cho and Snake and find ways to make their composition work, which really says something.

    In my opinion the gear between the three guilds is close. Snake's top end gear might be higher than the other two, but I think it evens out further down the list.

    Currently the politics of these 3 guilds go as Cho and Snake being friendly but both are out to fight BlackRose if they are on the region. As for relations with the other guilds BlackRose seems to be in a heckle with most of the other guilds on this list besides Barcode and Vexis…I wonder who will be the first guild to change the tides of the map and ally with Br and Bc?

    4. Barcode

    Barcode is sitting comfy dude. It's clear that Barcode can't take any of the top 3 down in a 1v1 and it's also clear that no one below them can currently take their spot, with maybe 1 exception which I will cover later. This is a weird spot to be in as well. In most cases a 1v1 with someone from the top 3 wouldn't be fun and neither would a 1v1 with anyone lower than them. We've all seen the Br vs Bc 1v1's, and the outcome of that fight has never changed. Barcode is making a huge change in asking their members to swap to casters and recruiting casters as well. I believe their progress has been a bit stagnant for the past few months, but you can always count on Barcode to be strong in a fight. Barcode has always struggled with making that risky offensive move to take control of a fight though, we all know the name "turtlecode". This has left something to be desired from Barcode, and I think if they can figure that out, they could make a run at a top 3 spot.

    Politics for Barcode currently are decent. For the past 2 months they have been exclusively siding with Blackrose but 2 weeks ago they decided to do something different which I think is good for them. I think they will continue to look for different fights.

    5. Basilicacorps

    Dude lately Basi has been so much fun to watch. Their special teams kick ass and they make those risky plays for the win. If there was a team from the 5-8 placing to beat Barcode, I think it would be Basi. This doesn't mean that they would be able to beat them this weekend, but Basi is willing to make those risky plays and as I said above sometimes Barcode shy's away from the opportunity. They have made great plays against Barcode before, especially in that Valencia siege where they CTG'd behind Barcode and took down both gates. For the past few weekends it looked like Basi was getting favorable trades against Barcode in a lot of the engages. Even though I have Basi by themselves at 5 I think it is possible for the next 3 guilds to beat them with a base placement or outplay.

    6. Corrupt

    7. Vexis

    8. Vertex

    This is where the fun begins boi's. I ranked these guilds as is because of previous fights and where they stand politically as well. Corrupt has had a lot of time in both Calpheon and Valencia which will help their members gear up. Corrupt also has a great shot caller and things seem to be progressing every week. If your base is around 40% HP you will probably lose against Corrupt…PepeLaugh. Corrupt has been making great plays around the map and this trend will continue I believe.

    Vexis is an unknown. Not a lot of people know a lot about the guild or what they are thinking, which I think hurts them more than it helps them. Politically they are on neither side of the current alliances and over all just seem to be a little bit lost on what to do. They did the impossible and pulled CodeBlack apart from each other and had a good fight on Valencia two weekends ago. Vexis's politics seem to be strong when they want a castle, but does that mean they are getting their guild good fights…not really. I myself are looking for Vexis to come more into the open and let people know what they are about…also go out and GvG.

    Vertex is also an unknown in the sense of what are they going to surprise us with this weekend. I think most guilds are over the Valencia WTF moment that they had. They held Calpheon for 2 weeks but didn't get a fight. Awhile ago they had a merger with some of the members of Haste (RIP) and more recently of Kyoukai (RIP), but since then haven't really had a fight to show it, so that is something I am looking forward to. I put them at 8 because we have not seen this new iteration of Vertex fight one of the guilds above them in a true 1v1 on Saturday.

    To sum up all three guilds, I think any of the 3 could end up on top next time. It really depends where the cards fall the next few weekends. I will go more into depth on these last 4 guilds when we can see some more good fights between them, because there is a lot of interesting stuff here.

    9. Filter

    10. Challenger

    For this article I won't be going into these two guilds as they currently are sitting on Balenos and Serendia. Also, there are other guilds that I would like to add to this list that are reforming (Aftershock, Legatum, and others) but I would like to see more from them before we discuss their guild).

    Complete List

    1. ChoNation

    2. Snake

    3. BlackRose

    4. Barcode

    5. Basilicacorps

    6. Corrupt

    7. Vexis

    8. Vertex

    9. Filter

    10. Challenger

    Yeah, it is a bit more reading than the other tier lists in the past…but hopefully you had a cup of tea to sip on while reading it. This first one had to give a bit of background information to set the stage for future tier lists.

    I am open to expanding the list if you think you qualify as a siege guild. Please message me on discord so I can start reviewing VOD's for your guild. One thing I would like to do is add clips to the tier list if there was a poggers fight. So please message me all clips or vods for me to watch and you might be added in. Also, I would like to add a few streamers Twitch links on here from each guild. Not only will it bring in new viewers for the streamers but good exposure for the guilds as well. I have a lot of other cool ideas which will be brought up later if this is something the community wants or doesn't!



    submitted by /u/IVIeleeee
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    Nothing else matters

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:05 AM PST

    Hermemall send their regards

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:05 PM PST

    MP price increased for items that are not implemented in game yet?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:21 PM PST

    Night Cat Tamer Sketch

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:59 AM PST

    PSA for new players. You can pick up 53 x 1 hour 530% combat exp scrolls in the pearl store for 1 loyalty each.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:10 PM PST

    Hey, I'm sure this is old news for people already playing but I only started the game 2 days ago and just randomly came across this in a YouTube video.

    Each day you will get loyalty for free (100 in the first day) and in the pearl store they have 1 hour 530% combat exp scrolls for just 1 loyalty each (not sure if this is permanently in the store or if it's an event). You can only pick up 53 per family but that means you can pick up 53 hours of 530% combat exp on your first day (or whenever) for basically nothing.

    Again I'm sure this is old news for most but if you've just come to the game like I have hopefully it will help you out.

    EDIT: Most experienced players are stating you should save these for for level 61 or 62 where xp gain is extremely slow and don't be tempted to use them while levelling so should probably keep that in mind.

    submitted by /u/9Mast
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    7 months ago i used 141fs to enhance a loggia stone from +7 to +8, today the GMs at SEA server give it back to me out of a sudden

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:22 AM PST

    When your Worker gets ALL the RNG (Trent)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:45 AM PST

    "So how much silver did you spend on the luxury boxes?"

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:47 PM PST

    Update on some Market API loot sheets ive been whipping up for a while reworked them to be more neat and clean/ easy to use.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:55 AM PST

    I almost can’t believe this is a Kuno. Spend hours trying to recreate it. Failed miserably. Anybody wanna help?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:26 AM PST

    Ranger succession skills

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:45 PM PST

    I've just rolled into a succession ranger since I played most of time with main weapon anyways It took me a while to adjust to "new" controls And I love it I love the mobility overall, especially on evasive shot and stamina regen on razor wind

    My question is if anyone has skill build or combo guide for succession ranger or is it too early yet?

    You can share your impressions too!

    submitted by /u/Astaraellie
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    Bonus back rewards sent. Check your mail!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:56 PM PST

    The journey for a PEN necklace.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:01 AM PST

    I don't normally post clips on reddit, but this one I just can't keep in the happiness – and I figured some of you might also enjoy seeing part of the journey I've been through. It's been 10 long and hard months since my first ever PEN acc attempt, to finally striking gold yesterday, on the last PEN attempt of the stream.

    My first PEN necklace attempt, 10months ago: https://clips.twitch.tv/UgliestExuberantCookieBatChest

    My last(?) PEN necklace attempt: https://clips.twitch.tv/DignifiedApatheticCookieCoolStoryBro

    I started keep track of my rates since feb 2019, when I started also cronning for PEN armors. Going into the enhancement session, I was 2/161 on PEN boss (1 of them being a TET Blackstar), 4/45 on TET acc and 0/3 on PEN accessories. Coming out of the stream, im now 2/161 on PEN boss, 9/56 on TET acc - But 1/6 on PEN accessories!

    2019 was a rough year, but we finally got our Christmas miracle!

    submitted by /u/BiceptimusPrime
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    hi, short musa PVP montage o/

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:25 PM PST

    Rework of the "Loyal Attendance Reward"

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:39 AM PST

    My GPU usage low when turn setting to low. Its normal ?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:14 PM PST

    i use R7 2700x oc to 4.2ghz.

    ram 16gb 3200mhz

    zotac rtx 2080 super amp

    monitor 144hz,

    i already disable SMT in process lasso.. i have a good fps tho. my in-game setting is texture low and graphic slightly high,, i aim for highest fps for pvp...so i have a habbit to change my setting to texture low and graphic low/optimal whenever i go to worldboss / NW / SiegeWar, like i said i aim for highest fps for pvp ( its work when i use my old VGA GTX 1060 6gb )butw when i change to RTX 2080 super, whenever i change my setting to low and low/optimal or texture low and graphic low, my GPU is like running idle.. the temp going down, the fan going down,, and it stay at base clock 1650Mhz ( when low + slightly high is max base clock no OC = 1950++ ). So my fps is going down/drop when i pvp use that setting.. :(

    so is that normal ? what should i do to fix it ? pls help

    sorry for my bad english btw,, i hope u all understand what i try to ask :D

    submitted by /u/misteriussman
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    Looking For This Template

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:38 PM PST

    Mount stuck

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:15 PM PST

    So I logged in tonight to hear the joyful tunes of Christmas jingles and my brainless mount stuck inside of a vendor stall in calpheon City.

    I tried to get on my mount and jump out of the stall to no avail. Nothing I do will get him out and he is to far to check in at the stable. Any ideas on how to get him out?

    submitted by /u/Dr_Gert
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    EU & NA Arsha Event leaderboard class pie chart

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:03 PM PST

    I'm so confused

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:18 PM PST

    What is Pri,Duo,Tri,Tet,Pen ?

    What does each of the gear colors mean and what's the order ? White > Green > Blue > ?

    What is nouver and kutum and are there others

    submitted by /u/Weelah
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    New BDO event “Calpheon Banquet” on Dec 28

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:56 AM PST

    Trying craftable Costumes?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:15 PM PST

    Is there any way to try costumes before crafting and equipping them? I don't want to spend crafting material and render a costume unsellable if I don't like it in the end... So maybe some of you know a website or any way I could visualize what every costume looks like?

    submitted by /u/SkaldBoy
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