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    Friday, February 14, 2020

    Black Desert Online Daily Questions and Answers Post

    Black Desert Online Daily Questions and Answers Post

    Daily Questions and Answers Post

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 10:09 PM PST

    Hello and welcome to /r/blackdesertonline! Please use this thread to ask any simple questions you have about the game and hopefully one of our helpful community members will be able to assist you.

    Also, check the sidebar and dropdown links for links to helpful resources.

    This thread will be refreshed every three days to allow adequate time for responses.

    For new players, these links may be helpful:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Black spirit Genei, One Daedric armor please

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 03:44 PM PST

    BobbyTwoPistols is my favorite life skilling buddy

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 12:35 PM PST

    Redeem code: BDOBMYV on the website

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Make sure to use code BDOBMYV & BDOVD14 for a free gift from Pearl Abyss.

    Chocolate bundle with EXP Boosts

    Thx u/UN4MP-R = additional code

    Thx u/Azazir = For fast clicks https://www.blackdesertonline.com/shop/redeem


    submitted by /u/RufioSD
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    [OC] Pearl Abyss Breaking My Heart and Dreams In 2K20

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 06:42 PM PST

    BDO Commission ~> Thank you Ayotori for letting me draw your beautiful Kunoichi! I had a lot of fun drawing her and she is very pretty! Hope everyone else likes them~ Thanks!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:05 PM PST

    Soooo i tried a thing...

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 01:35 PM PST

    A Day in Black Desert Online | Short edit kinda thingy ? idk what to call it.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Valentine's Adventure Log Quick Guide

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:58 PM PST

    Valentine's Day Cards by Elysian Hakumeii (NA)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 03:50 PM PST

    Sweet valentine

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:29 PM PST

    Speedhackers in NA/EU

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:02 AM PST

    I've come across the same person speedhacking in Aakman 3 times over the last week. He says he's been doing it for 1 year and never got banned.

    How much money has this one individual flooded into the market? how much have they affected the overall price of items?

    I've been watching a streamer over the last week and he will sometimes show the KR marketplace and holy shit, items are actually worth the amount that they should be. Laytens are like 130 mil amongst other accessories they are all over 100 mil each.

    Even though the demand for such items in KR is much less than NA/EU the prices are still higher simply because the market is not being flooded with items because of speedhacking.

    I legit think that this is the main reason why we do not get the new high end grind spots soon after KR. After all, why would they release a new grind spot only for people who are speedhacking to absolutely rinse it and spam all the rare items on the market?

    KR has pre-orders on the market for PEN tungrads at 90bil........ That's because players in KR are actually being rewarded when they get a tungrad earring that's worth over 100 mil at base...

    This is not good for the longevity of the game or the content within it and if it's not addressed somewhat soon then the future is not looking too bright for NA/EU.

    Edit: People seem to be forgetting that we have a speedhacker in Aakman for 1 year with no ban.

    submitted by /u/EpicExecution
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    Hacked characters cant be restored because their names were taken.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:17 AM PST

    My account was hacked sometime over the last few years. I gave up hope getting pearl items but I was hoping to get my lifeskillers back. Today I got a response stating because they were deleted and someone else used my name they can no longer be restored. So of I had some stupid random ass name noone would have ever used I would be fine. But their backwater bullshit restoration system is now apparently blocking them from restoring them even though they can clearly see the characters. What in the actual fuck.

    I know this isnt the place for this but this is actually the stupidest shit I've ever heard.

    Edit: I essentially lost Master Training, Trading, Cooking, Processing, Fishing all because they can't change my name after a character deletion to restore it 0 compensation offered. Sure a hack was my fault I didn't look at the email associated with the account because it was strictly BDO and I was not playing at the time. But to not have features in place to fix this kind of issue where people have spent 1000s of dollars is completely insane.

    Edit 2: I made a response stating that it was an unacceptable answer (because it is, there have been other people to get their characters restored). Someone clearly looked at it because 3 hours after my response the last activity changed. So hopefully they looked at it read it and are escalating it. Will probably hear something overnight / in the morning I am not expecting any form of good news considering how this never should have been an issue in the first place.

    submitted by /u/Biggus_TM
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    Results from opening 100 Box of the Distorted Dead

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 06:35 PM PST

    Part 3 of my cooking to guru series: Imp Crates, New tools, Manos Clothes, What to buy vs gathering, Figuring out what to cook

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:45 AM PST

    Part 3

    My other two videos were well received, so might as well keep on trucking! Here's part 3.

    I'll say right now, it's not as straight forward as cooking vinegar or pickled veg. As you get into master, you either start becoming a chef, or a bulk vinegar factory. I'm hoping this video will give a bit more of a knowledge foundation to get you through master quicker, to those juicy guru crates.

    Edit: For those who want part 1 or part 2

    submitted by /u/Airstylez
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    Any way to lock Ninjutsu: Shadow Clone?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 10:16 PM PST

    Is there any way to lock the skill from activating with SPACE after using Shadow Stomp? I don't see the lock icon when I hover over the skill icon.


    submitted by /u/Behehest
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    Literally unplayable.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:13 PM PST

    A beginner's questions on silver

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 05:48 PM PST

    Good evening one and all. I'm new to this game and wondering what value silver has at different stages of wealth, why I should bother storing silver at all instead of just keeping it on me, and what the most expensive things to buy with silver are. Thank you for your time and consideration

    submitted by /u/SerenityPrim3
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    Succession Kuno and Community Opinions/Misconceptions

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 03:43 AM PST

    Hey there!
    I'm Willow/Violacae long time Kuno player and streamer

    I've recently noticed the general opinion of many redditors commenting on Kunoichi Succession,
    As I see most people commenting on the lack of spin2win or NO PROTECTION AT ALL
    I personally don't find Kuno succession to have a lack of protection or sustain as people seem to claim, Mostly because of the speed at which Kuno succ can be played when you really learn all of the cancels and how to actually manage cooldowns this applies to both large scale and 1v1/1vX. She has a much higher skill floor in succession and I personally feel that most of the people commenting haven't actually learned how to play the spec and would rather trash talk it than learn it. And yes Ninja Succ is better than Kuno Succ in PvE and PvP but that doesn't make her obsolete so please stop saying it's garbage in comparison, they're not so far apart that playing Kuno is a death sentence.

    Awak VS Succ in a nutshell;
    Awakening is a more bruiser SA trading powerhouse with easy combos and lackluster high end PvE, High hp sustain due to Spin Spree but overall slower than succ.
    Succ is much faster in animations and has great single target or smaller aoe burst with the trade off being a lack of sustain to super trade with, however what you lose in PvP sustain you still have great PvE sustain due to 3 rune Danse and Wheel Of Wrath. Succ also has the ability to vary engages and disengages to the point of making yourself incredibly hard to track/predict.

    To conclude, Both specs have merit to them, They are however played totally different
    At face value succ can look/feel worse but once you learn how to cancel nigh on every single skill in the succession kit and master use of runes it becomes very powerful and is a pleasure to play if you enjoy in depth kits with the power to overwhelm with pressure and tricky mobility.

    Please share your opinons/tips for both specs below i'd love to discuss

    submitted by /u/Violacae
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    Is worth to use tet offin to get 245 ap kutum or i better i use tet kzarka?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 08:44 PM PST

    Hi guys i have tet kzarka and tet offin with kzarka and tet kutum i have 242 ap and with offin 245 so which one should i use for pve? my class is ninja.

    submitted by /u/laxusdreyarligh
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    Easiest class to PvP well with (1v1s mostly)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Just wanted to ask what the title says, which do you consider to be the easiest class to learn PvP with, I'm playing with friends so mostly we will be dueling eachother to learn and the like, but being "old" (34 with the reflexes of a 50 yo xD) I want to start with something easy.

    Just now I got 56 with my Ninja, and to be honest, while I understand it's probably a strong class in PvP, watching some videos in youtube pretty much seem to require a lot of changing between awakening and non awakening, and stance dancing, and it gets a bit too much for me to be able to replicate some of those combos.

    I was thinking about Warrior (Awakening) as I like the Greatsword aesthetics but no idea if it's a good class or it gets shat on like Wizard (which I also have), or maybe Striker? or Archer? not sure, I prefer Male classes if possible.

    Any advice on a class that I can put some work into but doesn't quire the best reflexes/coordination to perform?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Ahriman-Ahzek
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    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 07:46 PM PST

    Currently have an improved epheria sailboat and a standard frigate. Nearly enough materials for the next upgrade, which one should I choose?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 01:34 PM PST

    I can either get a caravel and an improved frigate, or I could get a galleass and have the sailboat waiting for more materials for the caravel upgrade.

    Basically trying to decide if I would benefit more from the 2k cargo space for bartering, or the faster daily quest completion time granted by having 600 cannonballs on the galleass vs 150 on the improved frigate. That's if the stats I have seen are correct.

    Still trying to settle on a carrack (not that I need to choose for a while) but am leaning towards the one with 16.5k cargo.

    submitted by /u/HMS_Potato
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    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 07:04 PM PST

    Witch or Sorc Pve (newish player)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:43 PM PST

    Hey guys, I was thinking about leveling up a new class. I mostly am looking to just do pve and these two classes seem pretty cool, but I don't know what are the pros and cons are between these classes. Kinda want a good grinder to make money :)

    Edit: Forgot to add Tamer is another consideration

    submitted by /u/Zorlok_Sr
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