• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Black Desert Online Her spinning technique: just found my tamer

    Black Desert Online Her spinning technique: just found my tamer

    Her spinning technique: just found my tamer

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:46 AM PST

    Mystic succession outfit spoiler, featuring pants & underboob.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:18 AM PST

    A quick reference sheet for learning Guardian Combos

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:23 PM PST

    Emerald Ranger

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:19 PM PST

    The striker succ outfit, featuring more pants, capes, and shoulder animals.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:44 PM PST

    A Peak into your Carrack Cabins! (Live Servers)

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:12 PM PST

    When loading screen tips hit too close to home

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:59 PM PST

    Small Shai, big adventure

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:21 PM PST


    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:22 PM PST

    Duvencrune is my favorite city

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:52 PM PST

    It really do be like that

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:31 PM PST

    So I made a video about my trip in BDO, this game's art design is nuts. Gear enchanting system, not so much.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:55 AM PST

    I drew my next dnd character who was pretty heavily inspired by my archer! My dungeon master even let me use a spear as a finesse weapon.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:51 AM PST

    NA Siege Rankings 02/01/20

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 01:33 PM PST


    02/01/20 NA Siege

    *I took the word Guild out of the post title to hopefully not get each post banned for an hour.

    No big changes in any of the rankings this week. Last week I had Basi and VRTX tied, and while I still believe 4-7 is extremely close, VRTX did beat Basi in 30 minutes several weeks ago in Calpheon. I'll explain more under each guild.

    There was a 2v3 on Calpheon, a 1v1 on Serendia with siege guilds, and a 1v1 on Balenos.

    The ranking discussion for guilds 4-7 will be at the end of the 7th place guild.

    1. ChoNation (-)

    Cho was in Calpheon this weekend. The fight was Cho & Filter vs. Vexis, VRTX, & Barcode. Cho did a lot of work in this siege dealing with all 3 guilds. Their objective was to keep Filter alive. I feel like I say this every time Cho fights, but Cho took care of business. The fight was lost since their forts were placed near the castle and the enemy forts could place cannons in the castle. Which meant that Filter could never rebuild effectively.

    From an outside perspective, it looks as if they had few chances to win the fight with the cannons in the castle. Cho would have had to abandon Filter and full push a different base to trade. Anyway, most of the siege was fought right outside BC's castle and as I said Cho went from 1 guild to another doing work. Eventually the pressure was too much and Filter died, after that Cho quickly went down.

    2. Snake (-)

    No contest in Valencia for Snake.

    3. BlackRose (-)

    No contest in Mediah for BlackRose.

    4. Corrupt (-)

    For this 1v1 fight, I won't be going into specifics because there was over 4 hours of it and if I do some, I must do it all.

    Corrupt was involved in a 1v1 with Basi on Serendia this week. After a short delay due to FML (will cover later) they got the 1v1 started. For 3 hours Corrupt had control of the fight. The engagements were either inside Basi's fort or near. This fight could also be renamed as the Great Fight of Northwestern Gateway. This was a cannon fight, and the guild with the cannon pressure was the one on top. Corrupt had their cannons up on the towers at Northwestern Gateway numerous times and Basi had to send their offense over at times to retake control. Corrupt had Basi down to half several times but could never get a clean wipe and axe the base. Corrupt used their CTG towards the beginning to wipe all the structures out of Basi's base. Corrupt then lost tempo and the pressure was on their fort for the last hour. Basi used their CTG and by the end of the 4-hour mark and Corrupt's base was at 50%. The region stalemated.

    This is the second time that Corrupt has failed to kill Basi's fort in recent sieges. Last week I said Corrupt was our stand alone 4th place guild, now there are questions.

    5. Barcode (-)

    Barcode was in the Calpheon fight as they were the region holder. I brought up the conquest scores in game and Barcode looked to be about half or a third as involved as VRTX or Vexis when looking at kills or deaths. Barcode was in the castle, so they had to be wary of a castle push. They didn't want to lose their gates and risk losing the 3v2. Even though Cho looked good, the 3 guilds had the pressure the entire siege. Especially with Cho built so close, if they were to wipe outside the castle Cho could just walk in and take gates.

    Now the other side of the conversation. Even if they were to wipe outside the castle there were 2 other guilds that could help defend their castle. All 3 guilds should have had their Shai's at the first gate, which would have stopped the push if it happened. So, from this point of view, Barcode was not heavily involved in taking down Filter.

    After Cho and Filter went down it was a quick 1v2 vs Barcode in the castle.

    6. VRTX (-)

    VRTX was involved in Calpheon as well. VRTX was the guild that was engaged on Filter the most. At this point the conversation for VRTX and Vexis was basically just slamming their heads into Cho and Filter's fort to take it down. There isn't a lot of conversation to be had here. VRTX did what they had to do to win the fight in a 3v2. Their K/D was impressive though.

    VRTX did end up taking Calpheon. after the other guilds were taken out or walked off.

    7. Basilicacorps (-1)

    Basi was in Serendia fighting Corrupt in the 1v1. Right out of the gate Corrupt was on the offensive and Basi was on defense. Basi's objective was to get cannon pressure and keep it, because their special teams are known to be good. However, with the cannon positioning for Corrupt it took a long time to get any sense of control in the fight. Corrupt knows how to put pressure on a base. Fight after fight went even for most of the siege. There were wipes on both sides but nothing big ever came from it. Basi went through multiple base rebuilds but Corrupt kept wiping their structures.

    Three hours into the siege Basi finally got the full package. They got cannon pressure, a full rebuild, and a wipe on Corrupt. The fight quickly changed in tempo and Basi was on Corrupt's fort. Basi used their CTG to wipe any remaining structures and Corrupt's base got to around 50% when the siege ended. Basi's fort was at 100%.

    Like I said earlier, I don't want to dive deep into the nitty gritty of the fight. It was back and forth with both guilds wiping the other guild or them trading fights. What is interesting is that both guilds got each other to around 50%. There are questions on both sides that you could bring up. Like, if Corrupt shot caller didn't disconnect would it have been different? Or if Basi had more time could they have killed Corrupt? I don't know, I think both have merit. Overall, I think the fight was 60%-40% in Corrupt's favor. They had pressure for 3 hours of the fight out of 4. Yes, Basi did have a good K/D ratio but they also had their base to fight around and plop rangers on. To be honest it was a good showing from both guilds.

    4-7 Ranking Discussion

    Sigh. So, here is my breakdown. Corrupt has looked strong for 3 months straight. Yes, I am aware of a fight between VRTX and Corrupt in early November where VRTX won, but the 3 months of strong performance has more weight. Corrupt has failed to kill Basi's fort twice in a month. Barcode beat VRTX a few weeks ago in a 2v2, even though the engages were even. VRTX beat Basi in 30 minutes in Calpheon, but Corrupt couldn't kill Basi in 3 hours.

    Here are the deciding factors for each:

    Corrupt: Strong 3 months of performances, but finally showed that they are human this past week.

    Barcode- Barcode beat VRTX, VRTX beat Basi, so Barcode sits 5th.

    VRTX- Beat Basi but lost to Barcode. A win against Corrupt 4 months ago, good performances recently which places them in 6th.

    Basi- Lost to VRTX in 30 but held Corrupt for 3 hours this past weekend and held a few weeks ago as well. Since they lost to VRTX, and VRTX lost to Barcode they sit 7th…. but they held Corrupt for 3 hours.

    Yeah, as I have said before the placing for 4-7 is up for discussion. Each guild's Kool-Aid guzzlers will bring up only one small piece of an entire puzzle. A lot of thought goes into where guilds are placed. I'm not even happy with where the guilds fell this week, considering how this siege played out. I need more evidence, keep bringing me more fights 😊. The performances this week are noted however, and if trends continue a win doesn't 100% guarantee a higher placement.

    8. Vexis (-)

    Vexis was also involved in the 2v3. As I said under VRTX, Vexis did what they had to do to win that fight. While their K/D was a bit negative, they were mostly trying to hold of Cho. I think that speaks for itself. I can see how it would raise tensions with BC. While both Vexis and VRTX and running into Cho and Filter's fort, BC was on the outskirts or defending their castle. Like I said, both sides have arguments. Vexis likes to keep up a high tempo of fighting, so they did a good job of running interference with Cho as often as possible.

    I am happy to see Vexis getting involved in a messy 2v3 fight. Hopefully they continue to find fights.

    9. Filter (-)

    Filter was also in the Calpheon fight. They were the guild with 3 guilds attacking their fort. Filter had to deal with relentless cannon pressure on their fort. It was hard for any rebuilds to last because of said cannons. Once Filter and Cho were defending there wasn't much room to escape the pressure with how the map played out.

    I'm glad to see Filter back in castle fights. They were up for the big challenge being the target of a 2v3 which is honorable. Hopefully we see this trend of seeing more fights for Filter.

    10.FML (-)

    FML dropped on Serendia this weekend. FML knew that a 1v1 was taking place between siege guilds. They made a great play to kill TryHard7 in the first few minutes of the siege. Which forced the siege guilds to either kill FML or give them the region. It is a bit unfortunate that the siege guilds had to tie up a non-castle region and keep funds from guilds like FML. The siege guilds didn't trust that the mercs in FML wouldn't interfere with the 1v1, so they quickly took FML out. Serendia did stalemate after the 1v1 ended, no guild holds the region.

    11. Legatum (-)

    Legatum were the owners of Balenos and fought Aftershock. Legatum had about 70 players in this fight. They made a quick play on Aftershock's base and took out a few annexes. They were outnumbered yes but looked off as well. Legatum was quickly dealt with in Aftershock's base and put on defense. On a positive note, they did try to make a play since they knew they would be outnumbered, so kudos to them for making a play. Their fort was taken down in about 20 minutes.

    12. Aftershock (-)

    Aftershock dropped on Balenos this weekend. There were talks of a different fight happening on Balenos so they got mercs. They had about 85 in attendance for this siege. With the numbers advantage they made quick work of Legatum. After the slow start, they quickly rebuilt their base and were on offense for the rest of the fight. It was a quick 20-minute siege which ended in a win for Aftershock.

    Again, this is another Bal/Ser fight which was lopsided. The win is noted as well as some of the open field engagements but for any guild to move up or down I would like to see some sort of even fight between FML, Legatum, and Aftershock. And it isn't that they can't get full attendance or close to, and if these lopsided fights keep happening, I will have to keep track of how often attendance was the issue. I just hope that they can at least agree to fight and have fun instead of doing these 20-minute sieges.

    Complete List















    submitted by /u/IVIeleeee
    [link] [comments]

    Caressing horses

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:59 AM PST

    Brings me a sense of peace

    submitted by /u/raikii
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    Mystic mains seeing succession for the first time

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:17 AM PST

    When they don't rock paper scissors for spot

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:38 PM PST

    Mystic succ - How it should have looked like at least to be decent

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:20 PM PST

    BDO Striker Succession

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:14 PM PST

    Best case scenario DMG after buffs for Wizard

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:15 PM PST


    So. After posting this around in some discords I'm posting it here just to spread it a bit more. To explain a bit about the clip. I'm 433 accuracy, 275/265 ap (tried getting as close to my live stats as possible being 431 accuracy and 273 ap). The opponent I'm using as a showcase dummy is 345 DP in full PEN DR armors with a PEN Kutum. This shows back attacks, down attacks and speed spell. The PA at the start is to simulate that you're popping PA and doing the TP in during NW, after earthquake it's Earths Response and then Aqua Jail to bring some distance while waiting for TP out. It's strictly meant to be a rough estimate of what one can expect.

    Please do keep in mind, this is what me and a friend could come up with in 2 hours of testing. It's not refined, it's not the best, there are probably gaps in what can be done and it's only meant to create a discussion.

    This buff showcases what the class should have been at first. A Glass Cannon.

    The earrings are Kalis Earrings which are PURE ACCURACY, not a single point of AP. They're meant to make up for the missing crystals. It seems very strong but from what I can tell, it's not OP despite what I'm showcasing.

    submitted by /u/Mikango
    [link] [comments]

    If you are a Steam player you are in luck. GeForce NOW is out for Steam BDO Players and its much better than i expected. Pretty much no latency on PC and you can play BDO even on your phone now with a controller preferably. It feels like the future is here.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:01 AM PST

    Some art i made OwO

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Brooding Doggo

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:53 PM PST

    How do you fight against Desert Camouflage in an open world with mobs

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:59 AM PST

    i find Desert Camou ridiculously bullshit. how the hell do you guys fight against them when its night, you're fighting fast blitzers like ninjas and you're fighting at a spot where mobs are litrally twice as big as players.

    i have an insane amounts of experience dueling people at arsha, and i have literally 0 issue keeping track of my enemies in a duel in arsha without camou. do you guys have any specific setting or anything to deal with this?

    submitted by /u/Haxxelerator
    [link] [comments]

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