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    Friday, November 27, 2020

    Black Desert Online Costume Dyes of my Lahn

    Black Desert Online Costume Dyes of my Lahn

    Costume Dyes of my Lahn

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:48 AM PST

    I quit.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Redeem your codes list 27/11/20

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:07 AM PST

    Editing as soon i find others, couple advanced lootscrolls and seasonal stuff in those











    Edit, thanks to post guys

    submitted by /u/RedTheMad
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    My short guide on the permanent potion grind

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Hello fellow grinders.

    Some weeks ago i posted a mini guide on the same topic, but sadly the auto-moderator bot closed/removed it.

    I finished my grind for both those items and decided to write up this little guide in order to help others. All of this comes from my own experience, take it with a grain of salt o/

    English is not my main lenguage, so forgive me in advice for syntax errors.

    Well, let's start with some general grinding tips. Or my personal ten rules.

    First of all... Choose and stick with a character you like, you gonna grind in those spots for weeks, or months.. doing it with a class you don't enjoy won't absolutely help. There are some characters performing better in some spots then in others (we'll talk about this later) but you get the idea right? Enjoy your combos before you even start.

    Second. Grind in seasonal servers. This may be less popular but i found it very helpful, why? Coz of the extra seasonal drop ratated items. (Time-filled black stones, Ouk Pill of rift.. etc) Those items boost your progression in a general sense by giving you failstacks (a free +40 fs for a couple hours of grind is nutty), and extra lootscrolls (30x ouk pill gang). Of course it require to get Tuvala gear done before, but you'll get all your silver back in no time. In short.. those items adds a bunch silver/h to what in most grind spots is a very tedious and unprofitable grind. Wasting your 281AP+ kutum character to grind tshira or protty feels bad, doing it on regular servers without extra drops is even worst..

    Third. Your node setup. You want your node to be active, and level TEN. You'll gonna grind in those spots for so long. Don't leave drop rate opportunity behind. I suggest you to open those nodes days before you start to grind, and dump your energy into them. 50% extra drop rate on 10% of your kills, it's a LOT. Try to boost your ecology drop rate aswell, the higher the better.

    Forth. Your Pets. You want to have atleast 5 pets tier 3 set on agile. Its not mandatory but those precious seconds saved on looting helps a lot during your sessions. Ideally you should have a balanced setup of pets fast enough to pick up your loot and following your grinding without delay. But sadly even T4 pets aren't fast enough to pick up everything. The arctic fox (t4) increase your trash loot by 4% It's more of a status symbol then anything useful for the pots, you don't really need it. If you're running with birds-type pets keep an extra eye open, those pets have the ability to loot further away but by staying stuck on far away loot they are SLOWER in picking up your fresh things. Run ONE of them in your mix and it can be useful, run 5x birds and you're generally slower. Remember you're grinding for the drops, not for the experience. Let them do their job before moving to another pack, losing a second in efficiency is better then leaving your pot item unlooted on the ground. (PTSD)

    Fifth. Your Lootscrolls and tent buffs. Use them wisely. Don't over estimate them. Lootscrolls are for sure helpful but they don't do miracles. Personally i split my one hour lootscrolls into two 30 minutes each, expecially during peak hours where the competition for the spots is rampant. NEVER use advanced lootscrolls for the potions, as they don't have a boost in rarity but only in trashloot. Same goes for agris points. Tent buff is a bait. 50 million silver every hour risk to bankrupt you way before you get the pot. Sometimes during off hour i used them, for science. Well if you really don't care about silver efficiency spam them.

    Sixth. The hours spent by grinding. Don't be obsessed by how long you've been stuck in a spot. There is no rule giving you the item after 1 or 1000 hours. It's random. And by keep remembering yourself how "unlucky" you are you'll end up burning out, or hating everyone luckier then you. Everyone got that lucky friend flexing what you're trying to get, good for them.. but you are not in a competition, just chill and go back to grind instead of complaining.

    Seventh. Arsha servers. Who doesn't like +50% drop rate? Arsha is a trap. I've been grinding there, mostly running from every white angry square on my minimap, knowing that i can get killed at any moment. You're not the only one that goes on Arsha during off hours, the place is always thriving with players. Go there ONLY if you're ready to get fucked and accept it. Remember that +50% drop rate doesn't mean you gonna drop what you're looking for, it's more of a "i want to try hard" then anything else. The drop rate of the pot item is so tiny that it doesn't really matter. It also doesn't matter how good you're at your character, if you waste your time by PVPing (even if you win) you won't loot as much, you gonna waste your time and your precious lootscrols. TLDR : don't go Arsha.

    Eighth : Take a break. I mean every couple hours just chill a bit. Take your time and don't stress over long ass session of unstopped 6 hours of grinding. First of all coz we're humans, second coz you lose efficiency after the first couple hours, your mind start the typical "WHY THE FUCK I DON'T DROP IT JESUS CHRIST I HATE THIS GAME" don't make it happen.

    Nineth : Rotate your griding spots, if you feel bored at one rotation/place it's time to try somewhere else, there's plenty of items to drop and places to discover. Overall for a better experience and general progression i'd suggest you to start from the place that gives the most benefits to you. This will speed up the grind and make it way more enjoyable. Remember that grinding needs to be as easy and braindead as possible, i mean you want to oneshot/two shot things. If you struggle in a spot you're not grinding, you're being grinded.

    Tenth : Make it enjoyable. Listen to music, audiobooks whatever makes it for you. Grinding lonely and repeating the same damn rotation for weeks is hard, find your way to have a good time while doing it and you'll drop the potions without even realizing.

    The exact drop rate of those potion items is unknow. My personal tin foil is that they are arround 0.0001%. Why? Coz most of the yellow grade accessory that are considered "rare" drops at arround 0.001% And in comparison to a potion piece they are really common. Expect to drop 50+ Eyes of the ruin rings, or Narc's earring before getting you hand on a potion item.

    Remember : There is no requirement to drop potion items, you just need to kill stuff.

    This is a ranking, on the rarity of those items based on my personal experience.

    Starting from the first and harder to get, to the lesser and more common.

    1. Narc's Crimson Tear (MP)
    2. Ash Halfmoon Kagtunak (HP)
    3. Sherekan's Panacea (HP)
    4. Valtarra's Clairvoyance (MP)
    5. Ron's Tintinnabulum (HP)
    6. Markthanan's Gland (MP)

    I choose them in this order, which is not a rule or a statistic, but to give an idea about what's harder to get. You may get lucky and get the Narc's tear at the first couple hours, but personally i went above 500 for that, and im sure many players have their own horror stories to tell.

    Let's start with the grinding spots.

    There are two types of spots. The regular and the event ones. The event ones are spot in which the item is droppable from specific mobs just during a window of time that usually last for a week or two, while in the regular the item drops are always avaiable. The event name is "Newly discovered treasures" We had the last one few months ago, no idea when or if we are going to get it again.

    Manshaum forest - REGULAR SPOT- Narc's Crimson Tear (MP)

    This has been my personal little nightmare. Manshaum is hard coz there's scarcity of the mob that drops the item. In fact the only mob dropping it is the "Manshaum Shaman" There are arround 30/40 of them in total, in the whole Manshaum forest. The best rotation allows for 15/20 kills every couple of minutes. The scarcity of mobs and the majority of player stuck in this area makes this the hardest. I reccomand grinding there with a very mobile class, Musa or Maewha (Tiger blade is nuts there for the shaman to shaman grinding style) Or any other fast paced class, if you care about efficiency. Otherwise you can take it the chill way, grind the whole packs of mobs and get a nice chunk of silver out of it. Manshaum being the hardest doesn't mean is bad. Overal decent silver hour and lots of Caphras stones. DON'T TILT you're not unlucky if you're stuck in there, it's just mean to be like this. But i guess some tweaking from PA would be nice here, since in comparison with the rest of the spots this is really painful.

    Navarn Steppe - EVENT SPOT - Narc's Crimson Tear (MP)

    During the event time the Narc's Crimson Tear drop rate is enable on the black feather wolves (Phynil) in this area by simply killing them and looting (no gathering required). This is a terrible spot for money, and it's even worst then the regular manshaum for the potion. The phynil in fact are 4 or 5 in total, far away from each other. There are some lucky player who got their drop from here, but dedicating yourself can turn in a big waste of time. Unless you go there for another drop, like the wind fragments for the horse gear, skip this spot.

    Blood wolves - REGULAR SPOT - Ash Halfmoon Kagtunak (HP)

    You are gonna love, or hate this place. The piece of potion drops from "Kagtum executioneer" Which is not in every pack of mobs, the best rotation is in fact right behind the node manager. The place is really contested both for the pots and for the silvers. Good amount of caphras stones and black stones drops there. The problem of this place is once again the amount of players grinding there in peak hours. You won't find a good spot unless you fight, however lesser performing rotations are usually free, make your decision. A good class for grind there it's anything you're good at in PVP. T4 pets are a solid help in this spot, since the mobs density is high, and togheter with your kagtum executioneer there's plenty of useless lambs and wolves that draw your pets attenction.

    Cadry Ruins - EVENT SPOT - Ash Halfmoon Kagtunak (HP)

    During the event, give this spot a try. It's incredibly more efficient then the bloodwolves and i personally got my drop there. The gear requirement is as low as the oasis gear. The mob that drops the item is the "Cadry Armored Fighter" it's present in almost every pack of mobs. Its abundance is in fact the reason why this spot in my opinion is better then the bloodwolves (for the potion). It's also less contested, but there's two big problems. One being the rotations avaiailable.. sadly cadry ruins isn't as big, the best rotation is past the first giant sphere, after the choke. And the second is Rosar gear, that fills up your inventory and LT very quickly, however this problem easily fixed if you need to level up your fairy, or if you're hungry on black stones (Which in cadry drops like candies)

    Sherekan ruins - REGULAR SPOT Sherekan's Panacea (HP)

    Or Shrekekan CC ruins, is a spot in which you gonna get knowdown and stiffed so many times to rage. In this spot the mobs that drop the item are separated by in-game day and night cycles. In fact during the day only "Garud and Beldecas" drops the Sherekan's Panacea while on night only "Lateh", by being summoned on its grave at the cost of 10 energy/kill. An important trick if you're about to night time grind, is to always toggle your Agris before killing those, since their trash loot is really juicy. In this spot i reccomand more then anything else a guardian. She is absolutely perfect there. The AoE covers perfectly the mob areas and her long animations fully protected saves your from the headache of getting CC every couple mobs. This piece of potion is the averange to get, the availability of mobs and rotations make it quite "simple" be aware.. simple doesn't mean easy.

    Protty cave - EVENT SPOT Sherekan's Panacea (HP)

    A good alternative to the CC hell mentioned before, protty is a solid choice for seasonal character with arround 190-200 AP, the mob that drops the item is the "Zera protty" which is abundant in almost every rotation, and present in almost every pack of mobs. However this spot is generally bad silver/h and it's highly RNG dependant. "Red seal - ancient shards", drops there which are arround 80 to 100m silvers here in EU. Expect to drop 0 in 3-4 hours of grind, and suddenly three after 10 minutes. Go there if you're not able to oneshot sherekan mobs and it's going to be a decent run. A good class for here, typical fast moving classes... if it's good at Polly forest it's good at protty. The only downside is that reaching the spot requires a boat and a bit of organization, but it's worth to try.

    Navarn Steppe - REGULAR SPOT - Valtarra's Clairvoyance (MP)

    For this piece of potion you are going to need to lifeskill, or atleast try to. The drop comes from "Belladonna elephant - baby belladonna elephant - Ferrica and Ferrina (the chickens) after you normally kill AND TANNING them with a tanning knife. Bring with you "Magical tanning knifes" if you never lifeskilled before. Lootscrolls DOESN'T HELP. Hedgehog pet DOESN'T HELP. The only help you get is from your mastery / lifeskill gear. Bring with you your regular gear and use your hotkeys to swap between the two during the kill/gathering actions. Energy potions, coffè and a lot of positive vibes may be with you during you gathering. Aim for the elephants since their loot is a bit more valuable then the chicken stupid feathers. Avoid panthers / griffons and wolves. (Unless there's the event going on and you get lucky on the phynil, who knows)

    Hunting - EVENT SPOT - Valtarra's Clairvoyance (MP)

    I loved it, during the event the drop rate it's enabled on ALL the <Wild> mobs arround Valencia - Kamasylvia and Drieghan. To kill the wild mobs you need a matchlock, that mean it's hunting time. While on the killing/gathering efficiency the Navarn Steppe is a bit better, on the money side hunting really pays off. You can hunt < Wild >feather wolves in kamasylvia for a good chunk of silver/h or you can go to the goat spots in drieghan (they are oneshottable with an artisan matchlock) and grind them real quicky, you gear meat, blood and maybe the potion piece. Your energy is more valuable this way the in navarn steppe. Try it, nothing to lose. I placed this piece of potion forth in my ranking, coz the spots are almost always free.. it's just a matter of time.

    Ronaros Forest - REGULAR SPOT - Ron's Tintinnabulum (HP)

    Ron's Tintinnabulum is quite common to get there, in fact in every pack of mobs there are usually two or more entities that can drop it and in some cases even 4. In this area the mob types that drops the item are "Ronaros Catcher" and "Ronaros Guardian". The spot is huge there's plenty of rotation and room for many players. (The best rotation is in the far north close to the Fadus Habitat) Guardian is a strong choice there, since the mobs aren't that much tough but they are widely spread. Wiz/witches aka big AoE classes gonna have a good time here. It's a good spot for silver compared to the rest, Caphras Stones and Forest Breath's drops like candies.

    Sycraia upper zone - EVENT SPOT - Ron's Tintinnabulum (HP)

    This is garbage, don't go there. The only mob that drop the item is the "Damaged Kureba" there are 4-5 of them they are far away from each other, the spot is bad silver and it's out of hand, requires a ship to go and some sort of organization, for zero to no return. Don't waste your time. However it's decent XP/h and there's a chance to drop a piece of the "Rich merchant ring". Yes, even in upper sycraia.. but for the potion no, stay on Ronaros without a doubt.

    Tshira ruins - REGULAR SPOT - Markthanan's Gland (MP)

    By far the easier, since the high density of mobs dropping the item, plenty of rotations and usually not too much overcrowded. All the mob with "Keeper" in the name have a change at dropping it. Being <Grove Keeper> <V*ine Keeper*\> <L*eaf Keeper*\> There's a rotation in which there's 40-50 Grove keeper packed togheter, it won't take too long to drop it. Characters like ranger/archer really shine there, but also your typical fast moving characters do wonders. Guardian is not so good there, she is too much strong and too much slow for this place her damage its wasted.

    Fadus habitat - EVENT SPOT - Markthanan's Gland (MP)

    An alternative to Tshira ruin, not as good but still worthy. The mob that drop the piece is the "Fadus Warrior" It's abundant but not as much as the mobs in Tshira. Fadus offers a good amount of Skill Points experience and it's ideal for character in seasonal servers since the gear requirement is literally as low as quest gear. Go there during the event if you play on season.

    If You like this kind of write up let me know and i make one for the Archaeologyst's Map and the compass too D:

    Goodluck, and tell me if there's errors so i can correct

    submitted by /u/RedTheMad
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    Lahn <3

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:46 AM PST

    Start of a journey to 100billion

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Day 1- Starting my goal of 100billion in 180 days estimated to six months. Just a little bit back story I'm a life skiller who recently blew up all his tet manos acc with only one pen to show. So my mastery is just under 1k. Currently siting at 300m which I'm investing.

    Now back to the present my plan is to make 100billion in six months to buy fully tet manos and bring my life mastery over 1700. I did the math it's about 555m a day to reach those numbers which currently I'm not even close. I'm here to document my journey so far I saved ten boxes of tet chance and two dark rift boxes plus 12 oasis boxes.

    I will update daily on boxes to keep track. Looking for advice for passive income last night I redid a lot of nodes to set my workers to gather timbers and few other rare metals and traces. Starting tommrow will give updates on growth not that it matters but this is purely for me. Stay tuned

    submitted by /u/Alodylis
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    I love playing my favorite game after bad days :)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:25 PM PST

    Anyone else get this "Invitation from S" in their Reward menu just now?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:11 AM PST

    New Code: BDOJBTD

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:19 PM PST

    Forgot this still exist lol

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:03 AM PST

    Commission for my bdo guildie and friend crimson_yin!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:30 AM PST

    Drops from 419 Oasis Chests

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:24 PM PST

    "Random square on the board". Thanks... I guess.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:04 AM PST

    Broken Fish Hooks

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:41 PM PST

    I spent about 4 hours fishing in Heidel for "broken fish hooks" for the "Island Alone" quest. I just need 3 to give to the guy to complete the quest. NO BROKEN FISH HOOKS!!!!!! 4 HOURS OF FISHING (Basically, set the character to fish, then switch back to TV and check every half hour or so to see what I got). WHERE ARE THE BROKEN FISH HOOKS NOW?????

    submitted by /u/OldestParker63
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    pet exchange help? if i do this do i get the gathering boost? or how does this work

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:55 PM PST

    I’m not the best with photo mode, but I wanted to show off my ranger. She’s the most beautiful character I’ve made

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:22 PM PST

    Complete Hystria Guide (2020) - Witch + Wiz

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:04 PM PST

    Blackstar Gear

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:48 PM PST

    Hello friends, so I play on Xbox and there is talk of them adding Blackstar gear in the near future and I was just wondering what is so great about it? Is it just higher stats or something else? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/KahosRayne
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    Huge FPS increase and GPU usage decrease using Sticker UI feature on menus???

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:25 AM PST

    After noticing a much smoother black spirit board game enabling sticker UI (folded page icon top right of some menus pop ups) /u/Ururza mentioned a huge increase in FPS and drop in GPU usage. I just tried it and went from 65ish to 90ish FPS and GPU usage dropped. I can leave the menu open and off on my second monitor and retain the increase in FPS.

    Try it out! let me know your results...wtf.

    Edit: Might be fake news. Settings FPS counter drops while my Afterburner overlay shows an increase. Would explain the GPU usage drop along with it.

    submitted by /u/ICIP_SN
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    Why can't I equip it?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:02 PM PST

    I'm a level 52 guardian. Is there a reason that I can't use a duo liverto battle axe ?

    submitted by /u/beamen1180
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    literally unplayable from afternoon to early morning

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:58 PM PST

    the game will constantly lag for no reason, doesn't matter which server I change to and I know this issue isn't from me because I have asked around and a ton of people are saying it's happening to them as well.

    submitted by /u/GamePois0n
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    PS4 Gameplay of the Dark Knight

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:55 PM PST

    Just realized that my pet sits on my shoulder when i'm idle :D

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:34 AM PST

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