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    Saturday, January 23, 2021

    Black Desert Online Daily Questions and Answers Post - FAQ, New/Returning Player Questions, and Useful Starting Resources!

    Black Desert Online Daily Questions and Answers Post - FAQ, New/Returning Player Questions, and Useful Starting Resources!

    Daily Questions and Answers Post - FAQ, New/Returning Player Questions, and Useful Starting Resources!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 10:00 PM PST

    Hello and welcome to r/BlackDesertOnline! Please use this thread to ask any simple, frequently asked questions you have about the game and hopefully one of our helpful community members will be able to assist you. If your post was removed from the subreddit for being a commonly asked question, this is the right place for you to be!

    This thread will be refreshed every three days to allow adequate time for responses.

    Check our sidebar and dropdown menu for links to helpful resources.

    For new or returning players, these links may be helpful for answering your question:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [Meta] 190k Members + Sidebar Image Contest

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:27 PM PST

    Hi everyone!

    Happy 2021! In honor of nearing 190k subreddit subscribers of r/BlackDesertOnline, we'll be holding a Community Spotlight image contest to refresh all of the sidebar images that show up on both Redesign and Legacy reddit.

    Submit your entries as comments under this post no later than 27 January 2021, 11:59pm EST.

    The top ten images will receive reddit gold (a week of Reddit Premium/ad free browsing and 100 reddit Coins), and the top 36 will be featured on the sidebar until the next contest. Coins are paid by me, not Kakao/Pearl Abyss, just before anyone asks!

    There's only a few requirements:

    • Images must be 300 by 300 pixels, and should be properly resized before submission.
    • Please use Imgur to upload your images and not reddit's image service.
    • It is preferable to have the images in Remastered or Ultra, but not required.
    • NSFW posed/It's The Implication/Underwear only images are strictly verboten, as per reddit's Terms of Service.
    • Images need to feature at least one character.
    • Your region does not need to be NA/EU in order to enter.
    • The reddit username used to submit images will be included as credit. Choose wisely, y'all with NSFW usernames.


    Discussion: Patch Notes - 20th January 2021

    submitted by /u/Blisschen
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    Basic of horse training

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:56 AM PST


    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:19 PM PST

    Succ Wiz Meme

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:43 PM PST

    I forgot what I running here for

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 12:18 PM PST

    BDO tricking noobs again

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 03:06 AM PST

    Made a quick vid on setting up/customizing chat boxes that may have struggled with it at first like I did, enjoy!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:14 PM PST

    Bringing In Yet Another Year With My Favorite Perma-Red Guild~ <3

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 09:16 PM PST

    Pirates can't even take out ships, lame as fuck.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:30 PM PST

    Pirates can't even take out ships, lame as fuck.


    Yeah so made some wrong life decision earlier this month. Tried to grind some fame this day, got wrecked by some passing Carracks while doing this. Swim to Kuit island all the way without a boat from Lema after pop old moon rescue scroll, repair boat find out it somehow ended in CROW'S NEST WHARF for unknown reason, and now I cannot even take out my Galleass anymore.

    If naval PVP has this kind of penalty, why is it still there?

    submitted by /u/NickBirdofiron
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    The importance of value pack?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 10:37 AM PST

    Ive been playing for about a year now and somehow always managed to get my hands on vp, but now im out and im not in a financial situation to keep spending on this game. Im fine with everything inv space/weight wise etc but i guess my question is if its viable to play without the market tax reduction. (btw im MENA region so we dont have 1 day loyalty vp :/)

    submitted by /u/SparkyRG
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    Anyone have experience with this error logging in to global labs? any idea what causes it?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:30 PM PST

    Can u play it World boss in oivia server????

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 10:06 PM PST

    Didn't know hashashin had such a thicc ass

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:29 AM PST

    My first Visit to Port Ratt.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 02:49 AM PST

    Hello people it is nice to meet you. The name is Nydelius Fungeus. (Or Giltradz) It is a pleasure meeting you all.

    I am here to share my short tale sence i have arrived here to Port Ratt.
    It has been a long journey yet still unfinished because the sea and the god of RNGJesus was not on my side.
    But nevermind that *Ahem*

    So Shall i begin.

    I am a part of the guild, Variety.
    We are a bunch of adventurers who goes on different jouneys and i would like to tell you my tale.

    I have started my adventure at Port Epheria. Where i have talked to a guy who seemed to talk a lot. Seemed like someone who would enjoy a good chat so they offered me to go to the sea and do a few things for him. Well i taught why not, Due considering i never have been in the sea before. So i got my stuff and have walked down the port. But i noticed there was someone else who was in need of help. I have walked over there and asked them what's up. I learned that in the sea are treasures, pirates and many more. They didn't had to say more i accepted their quest right away. Around the town i have done a few errands and got myself up onto a ship where i have travelled. But before i was done that. I had to stop by at the market place looking for a compass so i won't get lost.

    well, turned out that i have to tinker with it due only broken peaces of the compass was there, so i sigh-d and have bought all 3 peaces of them. Took me a few hours to figure out how do they fit togeather, but over all i was able to find out how can it work.

    So than i gathered a few things from the general goods vendor nearby, some potions, prepared some meals.
    And i was on my way. Got onto my row boat after i have did a few errands. Trust me I couldn't feel my arms afterwards that carrying. But eather way i got rewarded it so i better put it to good use!

    Or so i taught.
    When i gone out to the sea the view was just beautyfull, the sound of ocean, the wild drifts of the water, the sound of birds flying by and looking in the ocean i saw it the beauty of the vibrant colours. I saw an island nearby and i was really hungry, So i taught "Hey i got a fishing rod with me, i will go and catch some fish!" By that time i was not comfortable if i should fish on the row boat due i was not too comfortable with being on the seas yet. Thankfully nothing bad happened yet.

    I have slowly but surely arrived to the island. Where i have met a few people from the main land and a creature i never have seen before but seemed familiar like some kind of wheezel or Racoon? I do not know but god danm she looked really cute.

    When i asked around what are they doing here, they told me there are a few other people around here as well on the different islands. So i told them that how can i help or is there anything i can do.

    They kept cooking their meat but it seemed like they might be roasting it by now. But oh well.
    Afterwards i have talked things out, I have learned of the treasure, Pirates, A different and completely new country on the other side of the sea. It was Exelrating. Never the less my eyes were shining from excitement and my body was itching to go!

    I couldn't give up on something of an adventure can i now? Haha

    Never the less, i have packed my things onto my trusty row boat and started to get myself some fish. It was night so i have stayed on the island for now. As night fell i have heared weird shots across the sea like thunder ramming trough it.

    I asked the campers there what is that, when they informed me that this is the pirate group they warned me about that are extremelly dangerous. I said allright and eat my dinner that i caught that day and gone to sleep.

    The next day, i have woke up stretched my arms and legs and have gone out for a long journey i said my farwells and have put my butt on the row boat as i prepared myself mentally to start rowing for long periods of times.

    And so i was off. I didn't knew what was waiting for me in the open. But i can tell you this. It was not cake walk.

    As i have gone from island to island i have met more and more people being stranded on them, or have been stuck there. Sadly i couldn't help them. Even if i had space for more people on my row boat but they was afraid i think. I helped them met other people, talked with them. It was a hell of a day.
    Today i am too tired to write more so i am heading to sleep.

    An another morning an another me!
    Or so i taught. Today i was sleeping between two islands on my row boat. It was really late and i was exahusted from the rowing.

    After i got up some bird was taking a dump on my clothes so i had to go swiming for a while. Sadly enough i was not prepared what i will find down there. It was a shipwreck and lots of lood inside of it, But for some reason it was not safe to get it out. So i gone up to my row boat. Gor my clothes off to dry as i were rowin' to an another island where i met this guy who bought the WHOLE island... to be fair it was redicolusly small and was hoping there is something for them too.

    Well let's just say there was nothing. But they told me that there are treasures down there. Now that i think about it. I DID saw some ship wrecks. Than i told them that i iwll help them out but in return i will get a cut of whatever i will find there. We shook hands and i was on my way down to the bottom of the ocean again.

    After a few diving tries i was so exahusted i couldn't swim and it was night again. And i haven't even ate all day. So i have gone to sleep on my clothes.. it was a harsh day that day.

    So the next day i have woken up and finally were able to collect the proof that there is something indeed down there and there was TREASURE!

    I was thinking about maybe i should keep it all to myself. But.. most of them were just clothes or so i TAUGHT! There was a map Thorn apart a bit but seemed like a Treasure Map! A Real Map! I couldn't see my eyes. So i have gone back and gave the things to the guy. And asked around of the map. He told me that there are other islands around where i should go and visit.

    So my long jounrey have began.

    And after scouting, and talking to people many and many times over slowly but surely i have came across an island full of pirates. I had to be really sneaky to find the location on the map where i been directed to. So i snook in to the camp site. There was 3 people who told me that they need help due they couldn't really do too much due of the pirates. I told them not to fear due i am here! So i have hold onto my glave and my trusty Katana. And have Charged in Head first and slain Hundreds of those danmed pirates, but they kept coming more and more as i have ran away they told me that i have did a great job! But what they have gaven me. I was not prepared for that. An another peace of the map!

    I was so excited that i almost peed myself. But this is where i have heared that there is a land far far away where i might find the last peace of the map of the treasure, but for that information i would need to go out to the sea. One last time. I told them allright. But what is the catch?

    They told me that nearby are a few pirate ships who are known to blow everything up that they see. I shrugged off and laughed at them of how foolish.

    I.. was so wrong.. When i was in my row boat. I was rowing on the sea trying to get to the location they told me where should i go using my compass, My compass was going to give up but thankfully i had still some spare parts where i was tinkering so i was able to repair it. So i continued my journey to Northic West. Where i have heared shots of cannons. I was scared. As i looked to the side I have saw a HUUUGE pirate ship as heared laughter and the sound of mockery as they have opened fire onto my small rowboat. I have kept rowing, Rowing like my LIFE depended on it.

    Well i mean it really did

    So i tried as hard as i can but..
    It was not enough..

    So they blew my boat to peaces as i have fallen uncontious as one of the cannonball blew a hole trough the ship sending one of the planks flying for my face hitting me in the head.. So there i was uncontious for i do not know how long. But when i have waken up i was in a village. Where i have been taken care of as i heared some voices. When i woke up in the house there was a person called Borne. They took me in and said not to worry that i am in good hands now. I have slipped from contiousness and have slept for days.

    After a long time i have waken up full of wounds thankfully the fisher Bolhi have helped with the medications and brought in some food for me to eat. When i got to the table they came in checking on me as they were jumping with their toes up seeing that i am allright. While i were trying to recall what happened. They told me that they found me on the shores washed up bleeding. It was my luck that only my head was damaged. As they informed me that i am Lema Island. Where i have took a few weeks to recover from my injuries. than i have asked around of the map. They told me that there are actually two ports nearby one going to the so called "Port Ratt" and the other going directly to Epheria. So i asked them when will the ship go? They told me it comes every few days due it is a 2 day travell there and back. I was really concerned what to do by than. When they have told me that there are a few errands needs to do, after all nothing is done for free.

    So i got my sword and my gathering tools and started to work for them for the next 2 days. By that time it was around a a week and a half i have spend there without even thinking once they told me that it is time that i get prepared for my trip there. I told them that am i really ready? They nodded and shown me the way to the port. I have prepared myself to start immediatelly but i saw nothing, after a few hours i grew concerned for it because i didn't wanted to miss it. So i was awake for a few hours, When after i almost fell asleep i heared some men yelling at me. I woke up and there was the ship infront of me. It was the Hugest ship i have ever saw. Seemed really old and bulky but saw many holes on the sides patched up most likelly due to the pirates. As they told me to go in the back and don't come out till they tell me to. I have strapped myself in to the back quarters of the ship and with all my faith and hope have got on the ship.

    About a day later i have heared shots of the pirate ship i was so scared because the last time when i had an encounter of the pirates i have been blown to smithereens, But this time?

    I had a big Arse ship protecting me so i had nothing to fear, The wind was perfect the trajectory was insane and we were going so fast you could say we were almost flying with that speed so we left them behind.

    As the next day passes i have arrived to this new port. I was not prepared to what i were seeing. People with different kinds of looks and almost everyone was wearing some kind of traditional clothing style, like in the old world. Yet i was curious as i have talked with the people on there. Whom told me about a few things of this new land even though i was not able to go there i have met a few freshly new faces it was really nice. After a few talk arounds i have met someone who gave me a fishing boat whom i was really happy for. And of corse they made me work for it.. Nothing is freen in this world but for an adventurer like myself? Was no match. In a few days i was able to get there.

    And i was rewarded with the new ship. I named her Lilly. So i got on board and got ready to get to a new island. Where i been stopped by one of the people there telling me about a mysterious chest under the sea somewhere but they told me that they do not have the map for it. But some kind of wheezel creatures. I taught to myself it sounds pretty familiar to the other islands where i saw those creatures. So i set my mind to try to get into the island. They shown me the way there. And i have went there.

    After i have arrived i have heard the water on the inside of the island. I was curious how is that possible when i found around nowhere there isn't anything going in. But. I found a path up the hills where i have gone in and saw a big body of water and a few creatures afar who were the creatures of question.

    So i have jumped down and NAILED the jump though it was extremelly close almost broke myself due there was a stone nearby. But i have remembered my training and have shifted my body really quickly to my dark form so i won't get hurt. After being in the water i have quickly gone up to the shore when i saw around 8 creatures. 3 were fishing the other 5 were around talking.

    I have approached them and asked them if they could help me. After a few convos later i have learned that they have a map and they have broke down, but they need help. I was thinking, why should i help some filthy pirates when they were the ones whom i have been uncontious for days. But i had my morals right I am an adventurer after all, a hireable sword and an explorer. So i accepted the request. And they told me i should help those 3.

    I didn't think much of it.. but there was one problem...

    I had to fish.. Well let's just say i weren't the best one when it comes to fishing..
    I collected the shrimps, corals and many more but there was one fish... the Blackfin Sea Perch..

    Oh Boy i have not known what have i got myself into. I have tried everything for DAYS on no end. Different kinds of baits, Magical scrolls, Hell i even have dressed up as a god danmed fish but nothing worked...

    After many minutes,, hours,,, Days,,,, WEEKS.........
    I grown tired...
    Really tired i was on the verge of giving up..
    When i have took my rod and sweeped it to the ocean praying the gods to help for the last time..
    I have catched a god danm skate... A Skate

    Oh the rage, the AGONY i have felt i was so full of it. SO i have grown tired, I have gone back to those wheezels told them to F*ck off. And flipped them over told them on an another day i will be back. So they better hold onto that god danmed peace of papper. Because i will come for it. And when i will? I iwll be so much stronger i might even slaughter them to have it.

    They covered in fear as i got back to port rokk and got myself some booze called Sake. It was tasted like water but lords. It was strong. I got myself a few put it onto my back pack. and prepared to leave. I was so full of this.

    As i am writing this i am on the ship still sailing back to Port Epheria to collect my bounties and tell my tales.

    This have been a long journey so i shall stop writing here for now.
    I might say more or might never hear from me again.
    Yet i wish you all to have a wonderfull day.
    Whoever might read this.

    submitted by /u/Giltradz
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    anyway to make money with lower Tier horses"?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:31 PM PST

    am sure horse training is not the best money maker, but while am just out taming if i catch non tier 5 horses, what is the best thing to do with them?

    submitted by /u/Lmhtommy
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    Which piece of gear should I upgrade/replace now? I have 900M silver

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 02:29 PM PST

    Breeding t8 question

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:16 PM PST

    If I have a courser t7 horse and I breed it with a camel will I be able to get t8 horse ?

    submitted by /u/Background_Reporter6
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    Aakman vs stars end

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:12 PM PST

    hi everyone, im a 261 kutum guardian, should i stay grinding aakman or should i go to stars end, i have 310 dr build (urugons leeburs) and dont know where to grind, is it better these 2 or should i try thornwood forest? pls tell me your opinion

    submitted by /u/MMOplayer97
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    What is the BDO experience playing with friends. (who play games at different paces.)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 03:05 PM PST

    Me and my friends are looking for a cross platform MMORPG to play. We came across BDO and it looks really cool, but i am wondering if this game is fun to play together.

    Ideally we would like to play this game together from time to time and play solo whenever we feel like it. This will definitely result in us leveling at different paces, but is this a problem? Can you play this game together and still quest/gain levels/do events etc. if your levels differ? At what point is the level difference too big and is this gap reached quickly?

    I found some old forums talking about this but i wonder what its like in the new 2020 version.

    submitted by /u/new_edvared
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    Begging for korean nova templates.....

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:25 PM PST

    I really like this template: 검은사막 | PEARLABYSS (playblackdesert.com) So can anyone help me getting it <3 really appreciate !!!

    submitted by /u/Current_Eye_6340
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    Spawning the ancient weapon invasion season event

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:16 PM PST

    Hey guys. I'm trying to spawn the ancient weapon invasion event, but honestly it's been a crapshoot on what properly triggers it for me. Tried grinding at crescents for a few hours with guildies (each person taking a server channel and letting the others know if something spawns), to grinding different spots in mediah and valencia.

    Was able to get it to spawn yesterday at Bashims, and it was really fun / i think around 70 mill in enchanting drops plus a specter's energy in like 5 min. Have you guys had any luck? Or does anyone know how many kills you need to get it to spawn? Cheers!

    submitted by /u/saggerk
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    Warrior awakening pve

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:08 PM PST

    Hello I have just started and after playing wizard till 61 I wanted to try warrior a bit, I am 57 now and it feels amazing!!! I search a bit on the website but I see a lot of guide speacking about pvp, but I would like to start from learning good pve combos. Any expert warrior can help me? Cheers!!

    submitted by /u/Barbalbero95
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