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    Wednesday, July 21, 2021

    Black Desert Online Patch Notes - July 21, 2021

    Black Desert Online Patch Notes - July 21, 2021

    Patch Notes - July 21, 2021

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    We are getting 20 skill cooldown slots!!!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    Atoraxxion in a nutshell

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    Amazing Dungeon, Ridiculous Rewards!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    We received the First Dungeon Today and I would like to share my first experience in it.

    In short, the mechanics and all Dungeon progression are really good, it's actually fun. Like something is never seen before in the Black Desert.

    I just didn't understand the need to make most of the dungeon open world, it leaves room for people to mess up each other and make the experience really frustrating. I also didn't see any reason for the crystals to be broken on that same path. This makes the reward even more irrelevant, but we'll talk about the reward later.

    We tried Hard Mode first and suffered a lot with some problems, which seem to be just Desing errors. If the group leader is disconnected, for example, all other members are kicked out of the final boss. After that, they cannot access the boss again as they no longer have the entrance key. That way they are forced to redo the entire Dungeon progression, just because someone lost Internet access. Small errors often force players to start the Dungeon again for no real reason.

    Due to these errors, we decided to make the normal version first. We managed to get to the end and finish it much more easily. We've arrived at the most dreaded moment, the time to check out the rewards.

    The one-time family rewards are all very good, but the Dungeon Recurring Awards, even taking into account the best possible scenario, is ridiculously low in terms of time spent and risks within the Dungeon (Broken Crystals).

    And this is where Pearl Abyss always destroys its own content.

    The company manages to make sensational and fun content, but destroys it completely, leaving it forgotten or simply placing ridiculous rewards.

    We have several examples there: Altar of Blood, Valtara Training Manual, and Basilisks Mini-Game.

    It's all great content, fun, with ridiculous rewards.

    It's very sad, because my expectation with these Dungeons was very high, and again we just have one more great content that everyone will do for the first time and then never again.

    **UPDATE - 21/07/2021 19:08*\*
    The maximum loot from normal mode would be something around 220kk. In case you have maximum luck. With all the risk of breaking your crystals, which is way higher than any matching loot spot in the game. With the fact that you have to assemble a group, know the mechanics and so on. Tomorrow I have a lot of conviction that we will finish Hard Mode and we will see how the loot will be in practice. I'm not considering the unique challenge of the family. That will only be done once.

    the Item Golden Tears of the Desert (https://bdocodex.com/pt/item/8195/) . It requires a cost of almost 300KK to generate the new earring. In other words, it's a drop that you buy the earring in the end. It's not better to just buy a Disto earring ?

    submitted by /u/zeusstore
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    I don't know how to make memes

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:14 AM PDT

    PA missed a huge hit with this dungeon in the MMO landscape

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    I hoped that bdo would finally close the gap to conventional MMOs with their introduction of a dungeon. But right now it's just a grinding zone that isn't even instanced with a shitty questline and riddle mechanics.

    Regular mobs and mini bosses don't give rewards, only dungeon completion does. The final bossfight needs 5 geared coordinated players, no luck with randoms even on normal difficulty. It's designed to be like a weekly activity for 5 guildies or friends to do on a weekend together, not for regular gameplay.

    It's sad because the area looks amazing, the enemies look cool and they thought about lore, but it's all half baked and irrelevant when compared to regular gameplay.

    submitted by /u/Catch_a_Cold
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    I finally reached 1500 titles!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 06:33 PM PDT


    Just missing 3 great marnis for the final +1 max energy for the 629. I have been working on this for probably 2-3 years ever since kakao or PA did the top 3 titles a long time ago with the yearly infographic. My goal was to get onto that list but since I started working on it they quit doing it but kept going anyway lol. mostly went super seriously on it for the past 2 months and clearing out fairly easy titles but annoying ones like harpooning and grinding in Elvia that I just ignored for a while. Really happy it's done and now I can focus on the final +1 max energy for now and hopefully get the 3 great marnis, then I can take a break and do some less grindy stuff for a while.

    A big thanks to the completionist discord for helping out with the 1500 goal and invite any other completionists to join too!


    submitted by /u/Morsaelth
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    Are you ready to conquer this dungeon, Adventurer? (I brought my mount inside LOL)

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 05:38 PM PDT

    Atoraxxion Full Puzzle Guides

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    Archer: A Lost Cause?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    Archer, a class beloved by the remnants of the once-proud player base who have nearly all but left in search of greener grass. Those who remain, shrinking by the day, have been reduced to a husk of what they once were. They lack hope and are pessimistic about the future, conditioned to understand change will never befall the class they hold so dear.

    But what is the binding solution that kept even these precious few to the class?

    Spend even a small amount of time with them and you will likely get a communal answer of, "The Movement". The movement, such a simple but important aspect of any class in BDO. Many of the oldest archers hung on with one message in their minds, "As long as the movement remains unchanged I will never give up on Archer". That message, for a long time, remained true. For nearly 3 years those proud mains still hung on; racking up astronomical SP, EXP, and breath levels in the meantime. However, the recent patch has brought about a change that has made the bulk of the archer community stagger, their resolve to stick with the class wavering. Many giving up and finally swapping to metaclasses.

    What change could be impactful enough to dissuade even the most seasoned Archer players?

    The most recent patch enacted a bugfix which removed an "issue" where "certain classes when pressing tab then shift while moving forward in combat stance would cause the character to activate a skill instead of using sprint.". While the intentions were most likely pure, the effects have removed perhaps THE MOST beloved aspect of the class for many players. That aspect being, "Skating". Present in the class since release, An archer can do a "slide shot" by inputting Shift+W+LMB at the same time. This, when perfected, can allow for quick and decisive flowing movement strings that resemble skating due to its smooth actuation. However, with the most recent change, this is now not possible; Resulting in a buggy t-pose and a normal glide in a majority of scenarios.

    So what now?

    This issue is only a step on the ladder of how riddled with faults this class has become. The relationship PA has taken with this class has become one-sided. Taking and taking, Now there is nearly nothing left. What drive is there to play a class abandoned by the developers. Do we cling to the hope that the supposed October rework fixes our beloved class? Many believe that the changes will be unsuccessful and have already deserted. Is there any hope of a light at the end of the tunnel?

    In closing

    I did not intend to come here to use this medium as a BuFf ArCHeR thread. I simply no longer can stand to see my fellow Archers suffer like this anymore. Even if you cast our class aside to gather dust and die, so be it. However, don't continue to take away every last thing that brings so much JOY to many of the players of this class.

    In the end, you'll always die alone. So for now we PEW PEW! - An anonymous Archer

    submitted by /u/MajinSkollfire
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    When you get done with work and it's time to whale

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    how did this even happen.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    If you hate the "Dungeon" as much as i do

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    Emphasis on "dungeon"

    This dungeon is a spam R, repetitive pile of junk and even if it works perfectly is still ultimately boring and leaves no want/need to go back.

    The rewards are crappy and underwhelming.

    The whole idea of this was for us to have more content outside of grinding and spamming R... So they gave us a dungeon where we spam R and grind.

    They promised us PVE-Party content outside of running in circles all day, and to me this isn't it!

    If you agree with any or some of what ive said go bump the thread on their forums, If enough of us do it you never know, they may actually do something good with the information

    Feel free to comment any other suggestions;


    submitted by /u/ThatGuy222666
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    YAY or NAY?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 08:55 PM PDT

    We desperately need instanced puzzles

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    Title says it all, 1 person can ruin it so easily with minimal effort, especially the fight coordination (2nd puzzle).

    Yes we've tried to coordinate people to stop interuppting but people find it fun to do it on purpose to lock everyone behind on progress.

    submitted by /u/Whereyouatm8
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    I miss Kakao Support !

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 02:41 PM PDT


    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    Color mechanics with spheres that don't follow you (elvia mode) all i gotta say nice coded content... Just kidding even activision-blizzard does better dungeons on a 15 year old engine lmfao

    submitted by /u/Mystiqk
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    Training the ninja way

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 07:24 PM PDT

    [NA] Patch and Event Highlights! This is our new video format that will cover events/patch info less than 2 minutes :)

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    Can't understand the whine about caphras changes affecting life skillers.This is EU market rn

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Finally found a new mmo!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    For the past month I've been looking for a new mmo to play and have tried just about everything, listening to suggestions from friends and Reddit. Unfortunately no one recommended this game to me but after finding it and playing it I'm hooked, I haven't felt this way about a game since vanilla wow. I have no idea what I'm doing yet but I'm excited to have found this game!

    submitted by /u/WallyWestbrook
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    Okay, this is epic

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:40 PM PDT

    BDO - T10 Mythical Arduanatt Speedrun from Lemoria Guard Post to Heidel in 1'50

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    1mil incoming

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:12 AM PDT

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