• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 30, 2020

    Black Desert Online another meme by me! not sure if it has been made already but if it has I'm sorry 🤡 enjoy gamers!

    Black Desert Online another meme by me! not sure if it has been made already but if it has I'm sorry �� enjoy gamers!

    another meme by me! not sure if it has been made already but if it has I'm sorry �� enjoy gamers!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:05 PM PST

    Warriors reacting to Global Lab patch notes

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:53 AM PST

    NA Siege Guild Rankings 01/25/20

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:33 PM PST


    01/25/20 NA Siege

    Mediah was the huge fight this weekend. A 1v1 in Calpheon, and another 1v1 for Legatum and FML in Serendia. Most of the discussion will be around the Mediah fight this week!

    1. ChoNation (-)

    The Mediah fight was a 3v3. ChoNation (Mediah owner), VRTX, and Vexis vs. BlackRose, Corrupt, and Aftershock. For most of the fight Cho was trying to proxy for VRTX. They cleared BlackRose in every engage. There was 1 or 2 engages that was a wash between the two guilds. But it's important to remember Cho was also trying to clear Aftershock and Corrupt off VRTX base as well. There were a lot of fun engages, I encourage you to watch a Cho vod, but as I said most of their fight was engaging BR. And as I mentioned last time BR and Cho fought open field, Cho won significantly, and they repeated that performance here. Open field fights are tense, especially when we are talking about the top 3 guilds. Most of the engages weren't even close, you can even watch a BR POV to see their reactions. Cho looked scary. After VRTX went down, Cho got 1 pushed by the 3 guilds on the other side. I mentioned this two weeks ago, but Cho doesn't enjoy defending castles and have never practiced it and you could tell, their members were a bit lost on where to go.

    Cho does move up to #1 this week, I explain why under Snake section as well. They looked amazing open field against BR.

    2. Snake (-1)

    No siege guild dropped on Snake this week in Valencia. Keeping true to my previous posts for Snake and Cho. Whoever is the more active guild in siege (while still looking strong) will take the #1 spot. Cho looked great so they take over the #1 spot. This is 3 weeks now of Snake uncontested in Valencia.

    3. BlackRose (-2)

    BlackRose was part of that 3v3 in Mediah. This fight was tense right off the bat. Before a minute even went by, their GM was in Vexis base using the CTG to try to take out Vexis right away. I'll discuss a bit of the back story first. Their original plan (Corrupt and BR) was to 2v2 either on Valencia or Mediah with Mediah being what they really wanted to do. The 2v2 would have been BR & Corrupt v Cho & Vexis. VRTX got brought into the fight which made it a 3v2 (I don't think the 2v2 was ever planned by either side, but that's what would have been best). Once they learned VRTX was down there was a last-minute play to get Aftershock so it could be a 3v3, which is still a great fight. This side quickly realized that if they didn't get the advantage in the first minute it would be a loss almost certainly. Vexis was planted just south of Sarma so you could get inside on a Pegasus within the first 10 seconds of the siege starting. To sum things up, all 3 CTG's were used and they quickly took Vexis out. Aftershock was the guild that axed down the last tick of damage on the Vexis fort. I just want to point out that while it seems easy in context to pull off, they still had to manage 3 guilds doing this, choose what sides of the fort to attack, etc. The planning and strategy (forgive me if I am wrong but I believe this was put together by the Corrupt shotcaller) was cool and great to see.

    After Vexis was taken out, I talked about the next part of the fight in the Cho section. BR struggled open field against Cho. I am no expert, but I think slowing down their engages and going in as a group would help them, especially against Cho. Against other guilds below them in ranking their guild wipes the enemies just fine. Although BR was losing the engages, they were winning the war (and they already did by taking out Vexis) by engaging Cho and not letting them help VRTX more. Although the opposite side will say it was basically a 2v3 with Vexis dying so fast, they are wrong. It was a 3v3, but your ally died in the first 5 minutes of the siege because your side got outplayed. The BR, Corrupt, and Aftershock side had better planning and strategy.

    After VRTX died they went and pushed Cho out quickly, axed the other forts and took Mediah.

    The 3-way tie does break this week as you can see. BR didn't show up to my expectations open field, but their strategy was good as it usually is. Again, I will point out the top 3 are far ahead of the next group of guilds.

    4. Corrupt (-)

    Corrupt was a part of the 3v3 as I have said above. The plan to take out Vexis came from Corrupt. As I have said many times before, Corrupt comes prepared and prepared to win. I've mentioned how the fight played out in sections above, but while BR and Cho were brawling, Corrupt was on VRTX. For the most part Corrupt was trying to play off BR's pushes into Cho so that they could engage VRTX without getting wiped by Cho. Aftershock was also on VRTX's base, but I will cover that in their section. The fight was entirely at VRTX's fort (or around) after Vexis went down. Corrupt has a lot of practice getting an advantage from being aggressive on bases so as you can imagine this went about the same way. For pushing a base, they did well in their overall KDA. They were about 100-200 negative. Overall Corrupt showed up again this week with another win in their pocket.

    Ladies and gentlemen, it is my opinion that Corrupt is currently our new #4 guild (they have been for the past few weeks but there is a bit of space now). They have consistently shown over the last 3 months that they show up to win. Not only is their strategy solid, their members are gearing up, the shot calling has so far been effective, and their guild is holding strong.

    5. Barcode (+1)

    After the 2v2 victory last week, Basi and Barcode had a 1v1 in Calpheon. I will talk about numbers just briefly in the Basi section, but it was a pretty straight forward fight for BC. They steam rolled through the castle and took it out in roughly 35 minutes. They had a great first push to the second gate, and from there they never lost control of the castle. Barcode capped Calpheon. Unless I am mistaken it has been about 2-3 months since they have capped a castle region.

    They are bumped up to 5 this week for their win over Basi. Barcode seems to be stabling out, which is great for them as a guild!

    6. Basilicacorps (-1) & VRTX (+1)

    Basi was holding Calpheon this week and 1v1'd BC as I just mentioned above. Unfortunately, Basi only had about 80 people. And in Calpheon if the guilds are relatively close in strength numbers matter and if you watch the VOD you can tell. BC quickly took control of the first 2 gates. Basi did hold the ladder room well as long as they could.

    Basi does drop 1 rank because they lost to BC, but overall nothing to major to discuss. I will go into a bit more depth on 5-7 at the end of this section after I talk about VRTX.

    VRTX was apart of the 3v3 in Mediah this weekend. VRTX started out on the BR alt guild because they thought that guild could be a cannon guild and wanted to take it out quickly. Unfortunately, Vexis died before they could so VRTX went right back to their fort to defend. From a broad point of view, I thought VRTX did well in defending their base. As I have said the planning for their group of guilds was quickly turned upside down because Vexis went down so fast. VRTX was holding off a constant push and pressure from Corrupt, Aftershock, and the occasional appearance of BR. BR was more present at their base when it got low.

    Once they were back at their base it was almost certain they would be going down next, unless some miracle happened. But from what I have heard the VRTX group had fun defending their base. Even though people don't like when I say that VRTX is still growing, well, too bad they are. But you can see their shot calling is improving the more its practiced and their guild cohesion as well.

    In terms of ranking this week. BC moves up because they beat VRTX last week and Basi this week, that is self-explanatory. For Basi and VRTX there have been no recent sieges where they have fought each other. Yes, I am aware they were both in the 2v2 last week but for the most part they were not involved with each other. Which means I don't have a good enough reason to put 1 above the other which means we get a tie. I do think both guilds have looked good in the past 2 weeks.

    8. Vexis (-)

    Vexis was apart of the 3v3 on Mediah. Vexis got triple CTG'd in the first minute and went down in about 5 minutes. Vexis has said that their fort placement wasn't the worst, it was the fact that they got triple CTG'd was why they lost. And while that is true and there isn't much of a counter play while getting CTG'd. You cannot dispute that it is known that every guild starts in Kusha for Mediah siege, and their fort was a Pegasus fly away into their base. To clarify this further, it's like putting your fort just outside of Calpheon or Serendia city. No guild is going to take the summon to their base and then move out when you can get an advantage in the first 5 seconds of the siege. It is also important to point out that the spot Vexis would have liked to take was blocked by a BR alt guild. But if Vexis was further north-east around the Sausans area, their guild would have had time to spawn in, and have ammo in their defensive annexes. This is looking at the situation in hindsight. They took a risk placing where they did and it unfortunately it backfired on them.

    No change in ranking this week for Vexis.

    9. Filter (-)

    Filter handed off Serendia to TriHard7.

    10. FML (-)

    11. Legatum (-)

    Both FML and Legatum will be talked about together this week.

    It was another 1v1 for Legatum and FML this week on Balenos. I want to point out that again I would love to see a little planning from these 2 guilds to put together an even 1v1 fight. Because each week it seems like there was a major advantage on one side. The original plan was to 2v2 2 other guilds but that didn't happen because Aftershock was pulled to Mediah. NekoHana was also placed and cannoning FML as well.

    The 2 guilds did have good engages with each other though, which can only help both of their guilds grow. Legatum won over a majority of the engages but FML did put up a fight. Legatum did end up capping Balenos.

    12. Aftershock (-)

    Aftershock was the last guild in the 3v3 on Mediah. I have talked about most of the fight under different sections, but I will still discuss an Aftershock POV. Aftershock was the last guild to take their summon into the base of Vexis and they did get the killing blow. After they killed Vexis they were also on VRTX with Corrupt. It was a bit odd for their guild at times because they couldn't push the same side as Corrupt for obvious reasons. And with Cho being a proxy for VRTX it was difficult for them to find a good setup on the VRTX fort. They often had to run through Cho to get to VRTX which would be hard for any guild. Even with the complications they still put good pressure on VRTX with Corrupt.

    Aftershock had a big impact on special teams, working on the opposing cannon teams as well as doing a lot of cannon damage themselves. It's good to see their guild relations growing and being asked to join in on the 3v3. They were especially important in this fight because if they had not taken out Vexis with their CTG, it is very likely that Vexis would have been able to turtle with Cho and VRTX outside of their fort.

    No move in rankings this week for Aftershock. I am curious about an Aftershock v FML or Legatum now that it has been a few more weeks as a guild. Hopefully one of those fights will be seen in the next month or two.

    Closing Thoughts

    Sorry I am late again this week. Pepega.

    Complete List






    6.Basilicacorps & VRTX








    submitted by /u/IVIeleeee
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    My 3 Week Progression on BDO after 1+ year stop. (followed 0 to hero guide)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:32 PM PST

    This game really does make the best Wallpapers

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:35 AM PST

    My Tamer is still celebrating Christmas - Art done by Alzbern

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:24 AM PST

    New LG UltraGear poster child

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:22 PM PST

    My Witch after killing a bunch of mushrooms

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:23 AM PST

    Stroker is an amazing class ! ( pls dont call PETA )

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:56 AM PST

    The snowflake event ended today...I had 149 snowflakes

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:03 PM PST

    Someone finally brushed its teeth

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:59 PM PST

    Shai vs Wizard?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:03 PM PST

    Who's better for PVE/Grinding? Or are there any other classes you would recommend for grinding and pve?

    submitted by /u/Punda438
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    Valkyrie Gear

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:48 PM PST

    Hey guys, so I'm curious where to go next with my Valkyrie loadout and wondering if I'm using the right gear. I'm playing on xbox so please keep that in mind. My current GS is 522 (222/300) and my loadout is:

    TET Kzarka

    TET Kutum

    TRI Dande

    TET Bhegs Gloves

    TRI Urugons Boots

    TRI Dim Tree Armor

    TRI Griffons Helm

    2x TRI Crescent Rings

    2x TRI Kamasylvia story earrings (forgot what they're called but are equal to TRI Witches)

    TRI Sicil's Necklace

    TRI Shultz belt

    Thanks for taking the time to look over my stuff and help me out!

    submitted by /u/KahosRayne
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    A Year in Retrospect for Non-Traditional Play

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:46 AM PST

    Hello Everybody!

    For the last year, I've been playing BDO in a way that, while probably sub-optimal, has been thoroughly enjoyable and so I figured I would just write up a reflection on how far I've come and what the experience has been like.

    As a prefix, I was fascinated with the concept of Black Desert Online from the first time I read about it in 2013 and followed it closely as interviews with developers slowly came out over the next few years. At the time, it was described as an MMO that attempted to be as realistic as possible with mechanics. NPC's were reported to have a daily routine like a souped up version of Skyrim and the weather was touted as a critical game mechanic with rain making it harder to fight and fog being something that a group might wait for to attack enemy guild-owned territory under the cover of. I bought access to the game at the first opportunity, excited to play but unready for the reality of things. First of all, my computer couldn't handle the graphics. At the time, I was gaming on a second hand $250 desktop that really didn't do the game justice. Secondly, the controls and combat were odd compared to other games I had played and I was unimpressed by the number of quests that had me just going off and killing things with no real objective at hand. After about a week of play, the game launched an update that my computer kept erroring out to and I just took it as a sign that this game wasn't for me after all and never tried playing it again...

    Until January of last year that is! I dropped a couple thousand dollars on my first real gaming desktop, and the first thing I thought of was to take BDO for a test drive due to its absolutely stunning graphics. I made a new character and ogled over the beautiful and intricate model creation system before jumping in and trying this game for the second time. I found myself in a completely new starting zone with completely new quests. I went around killing Wolves and Tree Spirits for a long time, just feeling how smooth the combat was, until I decided to check out the UI. In my mailbox, I found several years worth of rewards for various unplanned maintenance times, holiday events, new class events, and most excitedly: my family fame fund. I'm not sure if this was a thing from the beginning since I never got around to level 45 and was having a rough time with the UI the first time around, but seeing almost a billion silver just sitting in my mailbox sent me into a frenzy.

    That first week I made several schemes that would come to define my experience with the game over the next year even if they were based on a faulty understanding. Firstly, I looked up what the best armor and weapons in the game were for my class with the hope of buying them for when I could finally use them. When I figured out that it was basically the same gear that was BiS for every class and that all gear had no level requirement, I bought myself an unupgraded Dandelion, Kzarka, and Katum and a handful of other unupgraded boss armor. I read that they were expensive to upgrade but quickly pushed my Kzarka to +15 and my Katum to +6 with the boatload of memory fragments I got early on (At the beginning, I wasn't keeping track of where I got what from but I know for a fact I never bought anything from the central market except the unupgraded boss gear so perhaps they were from a combination of new and returning player rewards, an event of some kind, and the materials I found in my mailbox). I then set off to level my new character, blowing through content that I could one-shot until my squishy Lahn with no upgraded armor started getting one-shot herself. I had hundreds of blackstones of all kinds at this point and got all my gear up to +6 before deciding to push other gear I found as drops further. When I figured out where specific drops were more likely to happen due to getting doubles on drops while out killing things, I'd farm up certain armor pieces for fodder so I could safely upgrade some armor to +15 and later DUO. With this experience, I decided to play completely self sufficiently apart from the purchase of an initial unupgraded piece of gear. I would buy no armor, weapons, black stones, memory fragments, accessories, food, potions, or anything really from the central marketplace except for the remaining pieces of boss gear I needed in un-upgraded form. I would get my memory fragments from ancient relics that I fished up and the more than plentiful events and attendance rewards would be my primary source for black stones. The exception to this rule was costumes that Id convince people in chat to buy and put on CM. I'm a big fan of fashion in any game and so the opportunity to buy cosmetics was absolutely something I'd need money for. I also later conceded to buying a charger horse under the rationale that it wasn't from the central market but rather it's own marketplace.

    My second scheme came from the realization that I could make more daily money by having more characters at higher levels. I used my time on the Olivia server to fill up as many slots as I could with level 55 characters of different classes. After I stopped getting the returning player attendance rewards and was knocked out of the Olivia server, I was determined to play two alternating accounts so I could always take advantage of returning player rewards and boost up my supplies while maintaining the ability to constantly play. This also allowed me to freely invite friends to play the game, always having a character that could play with them on Olivia. I gathered a month or so of rewards at a time then let my character hibernate for a month. Eventually, I would quit this scheme as the bonus only lasted till 55 and it would cause me to lose valuable end of month attendance rewards, like accessory boxes, which I was relying on to be able to level my accessories with the restrictions I put on myself. The main playstyle prompt this created however was the lack of a guild. See, after constantly coming back after a month to see I had been kicked from the guild my character had been in for being away for an extended period, I decided to go at things solo and to play guildless. It wasn't until December that I'd again give a guild a try since I had long stopped my monthly account focus swaps to focus on one individual character. The guildless play caused a giant lack of understanding for basic game mechanics that BDO is rather bad at explaining, which most people end up learning from the community and their friends. Because I was playing self sufficiently and alone, I didn't even learn about important mechanics such as knowledge and energy until this past month. Sure, I ​knew about them since I'd see myself gaining knowledge in combat or see picking an herb drop my energy, but I didn't understand how you got them or really how important they were. This meant that most of the games mechanics I learned I ended up learning organically. Every realization felt like a huge leap and recaptured the feeling I wanted from the game originally: the feeling of a living world with intricate, realistic design.

    Lastly, since I was so focused on leveling initially, I didn't really explore too much or complete many quests since videos at the time seemed to imply grinding was just more efficient. This caused me to experience the game in chunks as I eventually went back through the quest line and explored all there was to explore in one area after another. I'm taking this game really slow and enjoying it all the more for the fact. Last week I took my very first steps into the games namesake Black Desert and was giddy with excitement of all it entailed. Collecting and processing fresh water to beat heatstroke, navigating without a minimap, finding out the hard way that glowing black balls of death at the bottom of what looks to be a sandpit are very bad things to get distracted by when you don't know what the heck they are. And Valencia! Oh, Valencia! I love this freaking city so much.

    Black Desert wasn't lying when it referred to itself as a sandbox MMO. There are so many different ways to play this game that each let a player get something different out of it. I get a lot of people who scoff at my playstyle when I explain it to them. On one occasion, an individual explained to me that getting gear is so easy these days that the average gear score an individual has is around 500. They went on to tell me I was falling behind by not learning to micromanage and speed up my gameplay. I smiled across the internet and metaphorically nodded in agreement before going my way and continuing to have fun. Because I have been, for the first time in a really long time, really enjoying my experience playing a game in the form of Black Desert. I know I'll never be the top gear score of whatever class I play. I'm terrified of PvP and mostly just stand there and let people attack me when they feel the need to jump on me mid trek across the enormous map. I'll leave that to people who want to enjoy their martial superiority or dedication to micromanaging an effective empire. As for me, I'm looking ahead to building my first boat and exploring the open sea, or, now that I've got over 200 AP, seeing what new fog covered corners of the map I can survive in now. I'm still trying to find out how to start Velencia II, the second half of my favorite quest chain to date, without looking it up online. I'm moving forward slowly but I'm milking this game for all it has to give. I just hit level 60 on my first character today and I feel on top of the world.

    Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed reading this. I have a tendency to ramble but I just wanted to share my playstyle in a comprehensive way since I really am proud of how far I've come. It's been a neat journey and as far as I'm aware, a unique one. For now, enjoy the game how you want to play it. Aal knows there are enough ways to tackle something as vast and brimming with potential as BDO!

    submitted by /u/TheSuavestOrange
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    New Adventure Log from Pavino Greco extended in Global Labs - Pay 3,5b for 600HP!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:42 AM PST

    I just checked the 2 new pages of Pavino Grecos adventure log and now all 4 pages together net us 600 HP and cost 3,5b.

    First page costs 500m and gives 200 HP,

    Second page costs 1b and gives 100 HP.

    Third page costs 2b and gives 100 HP.

    Fourth page are quests (no costs it seems) and gives 200 HP.

    submitted by /u/primmdarklyn
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    Another My Little First Pony issue

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:59 PM PST

    After hours of figuring out the quest, I managed to catch a real horse before the wooden one. On a different character, I wanted to complete the quest for a saddle and as I approached the location of the famous wooden horse, I noticed something odd. He is not there. The wooden horse straight up is not there. I tried forfeiting and re-sccepting, a different server, re-logging, and even occupying myself with other quests hoping the horse of hell would return. But alas. What do I do now?

    submitted by /u/Zoffee_
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    Lahn New Succession - Black Desert Online

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:39 AM PST

    Ship Ramming Bugged?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:07 PM PST

    So I'm on the quest "Strange Creatures from the Great Ocean" which requires me to ram a Hekaru. So I did some digging around and found out the inputs necessary to ram were qwt. I tried this and my ship wouldn't even do the ramming animation? If anyone could help that would be great as this is really hindering my progression.

    submitted by /u/Kulags
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    Tri orkinrad or tri basilisk?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:37 PM PST

    Hi guys i have a tri orkinrad and a tri basilisk which one should i keep?

    submitted by /u/laxusdreyarligh
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    7 Day Gift Passes to share with you

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:26 PM PST

    7 Day Guest Passes for anyone who needs them ^^ Enjoy~











    submitted by /u/Mochachiiii
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    [Suggestion] QOL improvements for bartering

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:08 PM PST

    Having gotten recently into bartering I am really enjoying it, however I feel like there could be a few minor adjustments made.

    1. When you anchor in a city or a place with a wharf manager (and a storage in this case), you should have the option to manage inventory from your boat (I mean you have sailors for a reason, make them unload the stuff haha)
    2. Likewise when anchored, option to refill rations using silver
    3. Likewise when anchored, option to repair ship using silver
    4. Increase 'Anchor' distance for some island

    These are just minor things however it really does get annoying having to jump into water sometimes, and swim around considering how clunky the swimming still is in this game.

    What are your opinions?

    submitted by /u/ColdMintyTea
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    NA BDO Lvl 62 Warrior PVP - Yoink

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Is the dark shadow in the forest quest a one time quest?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:06 PM PST

    Bdo codex says the only requirement is completing the whole kama mqin quest line up to and including heart of kamasylvia. I did that neubelle still doesnt have the quest.

    submitted by /u/Quithial
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