• Breaking News

    Monday, December 9, 2019

    Black Desert Online k

    Black Desert Online k


    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:18 PM PST

    Hurts so bad

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:37 AM PST

    My Fairy ♥ having holidays at Drieghan

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:27 AM PST

    Casuals are bad for business

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:59 AM PST

    NA Siege Guild Rankings 12/07/2019

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST

    NA Siege Guild Rankings 12/07/2019


    12/7/19 NA Siege

    Hey all, in this week's rankings we will discuss the past 2 weeks of siege. Mostly focused on Mediah siege from this past weekend, and the Valencia siege from 2 weeks ago.

    1. ChoNation

    The discussion between these 3 guilds will mostly cover this past weekend's siege. First, I want to point out that I missed a fight between Cho and Snake that happened quite a while ago where Cho was defending Mediah and Snake was attacking. The fight took about 45 minutes in total with Snake kicking them off Mediah. It is true that Cho has changed a lot from that last fight, but overall, I put their castle defense as 3rd between the 3 guilds. If I had remembered this siege last week, I probably would have put Snake at #1 at the time. However, things seemed to work themselves out as most of what I stated in the last article came to be true.

    First, I want to cover Cho and a bit of insight on my thoughts the last few days. Right after siege on Saturday I was honestly not sure what to do with what happened this past weekend with Cho not even dropping a fort for siege. My first plan was to put all three guilds tied and go into why this is so. Then last night Cho had a very convincing node war against BlackRose. Before I go any further, I want to explain that NW's mean very little to me as a lot of weird things happen on NW's and they are usually an unreliable source of good information. If it was a 30 man, I would not have even spoken about it, but a 55 man becomes a little more real. Anyway, in the most basic principle my points from the last article said that Cho had amazing open field synergy and that's what I took out of the NW from last night which is why they sit alone at top.

    Tied for 2nd. BlackRose & Snake

    The fight on Mediah this past weekend was BlackRose attacking Snake in the castle with Who dropped as a Snake ally which was filled with 40-50 Cho mercs. People were literally flipping tables wondering why Snake brought an ally to Mediah. This was the first time in 2019 (possibly longer) where Snake had the guild number advantage going into a fight on Mediah. When it most cases its 2+ guilds to kick Snake out and then have their fun fight on the region.

    The fight itself though was still very interesting. Snake's focus was to kill BR as fast as they could. While BR focused on taking out Who before their base would go down. The open field fighting we saw is why the rankings had to shake up. BlackRose rolled through Snake in open field engagements quite convincingly. I believe there was about 3-4 of these open field battles with another couple of minor engages here and there, but BR won every big engage. This points back to my points in the previous post about how Snake would be rusty open field.

    When BR's base got to around 50%, Who and Snake CTG'd onto BR but not a lot happened. After they wiped the guilds BR had a quick CTG onto Who and took them out, but before BR could get back to their base Snake axed their fort down. In the end it meant Snake held Mediah for the 10th week in a row but had a pretty poor showing.

    I have the two guilds tied because of where their strengths and weaknesses lie. I think its easy to say that Snake is the strongest at holding a castle and if that's all the rankings were about, they would probably be #1. BlackRose on the other hand is stronger in open field engages vs Snake. In my mini rankings between the 3 guilds it would be:


    As you can see from my rankings when you break it down, its all tied up with 4 points per guild. Which is why I still put the top 3 guilds all within striking distance of each other. I also would like to point out that the top 3 guilds are well above any other guild on the list.

    4. Barcode

    Barcode had the potential to be in a fun fight two weeks in a row, until Cho showed up merc'd into Aftershock this past weekend. The fight this past weekend was originally planned as Barcode vs. Vexis & Aftershock on Calpheon with whichever side won taking the castle. If you would like an opinion on whether it was a good idea or not to bring in Cho mercs, its covered well in the siege podcast, I won't be discussing that any further. In the end with the huge influx of Cho, Barcode was taken down and Aftershock took Calpheon.

    I think it's safe to say that siege has been unfortunate for BC for several weeks, with close fights and unfortunate things happening in the scene (which means they haven't owned a region for a while). As I said last week it's a bit odd to be in their position, but I still think they hold the #4 spot strong. I also want to see their newly formed caster composition out on the field.

    5. Basilicacorps

    6. Corrupt

    I swear whenever something fun happens its usually a combination of these two guilds. As you can see, I am putting them in their own tier this week. I'll explain more of that in the Vexis section. The fun that I am talking about is the siege from 2 weeks ago. The fight was Basi, Corrupt, Vertex vs. BlackRose, Barcode, and Homewreckers (merc guild with about 50) on Valencia.

    The 2 ant (Basi, Corrupt) guilds and Vertex knew that if they didn't take down Homewreckers in the first 10 minutes, they probably would not win the siege. While Barcode started at the castle and Blackrose started at their base. Right out of the gate the ants were charging Homewrecker's walls and quickly got inside. A CTG was even burned by Vertex to get Homewrecker's base to below 5%. BlackRose did answer to Homewrecker's but their base was far too gone to salvage it.

    Unfortunately, at the same time Barcode was not able to do anything at the castle for a few reasons. First, if you were anywhere near the castle your FPS was in the single digits, and second every Shai from the ant alliance was at the first gate holding it down. By the time most of Barcode re-logged into the game Homewrecker's was already dead.

    This is where the fight got sweaty. It's now in a 3v2 situation which looks promising for the ant alliance. Much of the fight was BlackRose hammering down on Corrupt, while Basi and Vertex were both attacking Barcode and helping Corrupt. Barcode was also seen on Corrupt as well doing work. BlackRose was premiering the new Ogre mounts that can be used for any attacking guild. For a while it looked like CodeBlack had the advantage with Corrupt going down faster than Barcode was going down.

    Eventually Corrupt's base got to 50% then CodeBlack both CTG'd onto Corrupt's base leaving it at roughly 10%. In other words, they failed to do the Corrupt special. While that was going on Barcode's base was getting hammered which meant they had to defend what was left in hopes that BlackRose would be able to finish Corrupt off in time. A Basi CTG was used on Barcode around this time, but not many got to take the CTG so it wasn't that effective.

    After about 3-4 more pushes from BlackRose, Corrupt was still hanging on with less than 1% of their base HP. Dragoon placed a clutch CTG and Corrupt took it to finish off Barcode who was at about 3%. Words can't describe how tense that situation was. Here are two clips, one from the perspective of Corrupt and the other Barcode, just watch them.

    Corrupt- https://www.twitch.tv/friendly_viper/clip/FriendlyHandsomeHummingbirdPastaThat?filter=clips&range=30d&sort=time

    Barcode- https://www.twitch.tv/jeffythewise/clip/EndearingCleanOrcaPastaThat?filter=clips&range=30d&sort=time

    That was insane to watch, and I am sure insane to be apart of, good stuff from both sides. BlackRose did take down Corrupt in the next few minutes with an Ogre. After that BlackRose got 2v1'd by Basi and Vertex and then Basi held the castle from Vertex in the 1v1 after.

    Here is my Vertex section, the 1v1 for the castle with Basi was a good fight. Vertex took down the first gate but Basi held. In this week of siege Vertex planted Valencia and was fighting with Corrupt to take down Basi in the castle but their members got kicked during the siege.

    Eventually Corrupt took down Basi to take control of Valencia. Other than that, now that they are dead there is no reason to discuss it. The good news is that it appears they are reforming in the old guild of Haste as of now. It's unclear what their guild name will be. Leadership of the new guild appears to be Vertex members though.

    Last note on Basi and Corrupt is that they seem to be the current owners of Valencia so there is no change in their rankings from last week. It's also safe to say that both guilds are getting insane upgrades with the payout and Valencia grind buff.

    7. Vexis

    Two weeks ago, they got Calpheon for free from Cho who didn't show. This week looked to be a good fight for Vexis which is what was needed to be seen. The fight was Barcode vs. Vexis and Aftershock. Unfortunately, as I already stated their original fight was turned upside down by 50+ Cho landing in Aftershock. It was just a run down of Barcode who had a massive body disadvantage. So again, we go another week without Vexis getting the fight that they need to stay grouped with the previous 2 guilds. At this point Basi and Corrupt are just more practiced, creative, and cohesive.

    8. Filter

    Sitting comfy in Balenos for 4 weeks now.

    9. Challenger

    Sitting comfy in Serendia for 3 weeks now.

    There is no #10 guild this week as Aftershock showed up on Calpheon with over half of the guild as mercs. So, it wouldn't be fair to put them on the list as their performance wasn't a reliable source based on who was in their guild. It is worthy to point out that Aftershock did take Calpheon, which should be a great way to recruit and get gains for their guild. Aftershock, Legatum, and new Vertex/Haste are all still in the building/rebuilding phase.

    Thanks for reading. The rankings from this point on should only cover 1 week at a time. Again, I'm always open on discord to discuss anything that I might have missed or overlooked. Also send me cool clips from sieges and they could be added to future rankings.

    Complete List

    1. ChoNation
    2. BlackRose
    3. Snake
    4. Barcode
    5. Basilicacorps
    6. Corrupt
    7. Vexis
    8. Filter
    9. Challenger

    Edit: it does say 2 and 3 for BR and Snake but they are both 2.



    submitted by /u/IVIeleeee
    [link] [comments]

    Autopathing on point. (The location is just in water and not on a mountain, same elevation as me lol)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:16 AM PST

    Does anyone want fried fish?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:26 PM PST

    Idk if you like this kind if screens, it was taken inside the cave where Offin of Guild get summon - My Tamer at right ♥

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:22 AM PST

    Well seems I got left behind

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:34 AM PST

    Oquilla's Eyes with my archer, Faehlan and my friend's ranger, Qalene

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:55 AM PST

    Valk and Tamer Sucession and Rubin journal this week

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST

    I mean, remastered is good graphics, but really?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:27 AM PST

    I mean, remastered is good graphics, but really?


    Are they trying to similate what would happen if you looked directly at the sun irl? I dunno but it works I'm getting a migraine from looking at it

    submitted by /u/DogeSoup
    [link] [comments]

    I love this game but i hate playing it.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:33 AM PST

    This game change my game life to next level ,I have so much online friends because of this game it really a good time and im loving it but at some point i think this game is just waste of time and it is a obstacle in my daily life ,I thinking about the game every second when im at uni or sleeping and i think this is so wrong in every way. I want to love it but i cant

    submitted by /u/minw6789
    [link] [comments]

    The face my lahn make when she fly Cute :3

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:16 PM PST

    Questing for skill points

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:40 PM PST

    Is it worth it? I feel that maybe the initial questing around heidel and Velia could be worth it idk. But after that it seems the quests that give you skill points become far and few and it may be faster to just collect skill points with scrolls while grinding.

    submitted by /u/Dr_Gert
    [link] [comments]

    what to main?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:45 PM PST

    havent played since dark knights release and the level cap was 55/56

    not a big fan of pvp.

    preferably something simple and feels fast or aggressive. but not berserker.

    heard shai came out, but that she is slow+ weak. also saw a berker/guts crossover with warrior and his secondary. but thats as much as i know and not sure.

    anyone is on the table except berserker ideally.

    2b silver in bank to start me out.

    submitted by /u/HeroVonZero
    [link] [comments]

    [NA] 296AP Kutum Musa - Stars End Grind

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:10 PM PST

    Someone said 1000% exp event happened before, will it happen again ya think?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:00 PM PST

    One Year Archer Gear Progress

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:28 PM PST

    One Year Archer Gear Progress


    I started playing BDO in September 2018 when Remastered launched and have been an Archer main since he released last December. This is one year of Archer gear progress... really happy with the results!! Also got a pegasus (not pictured).

    I hope this motivates everyone to stay dedicated to achieving your gear goals in 2020!! May the Black Spirit be with you all...

    submitted by /u/vc710
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    Got Elten piece 3 months ago, now i got 2nd Elten from Tukar, meanwhile can't still get TET dandi after 33 fails. What is that RNG

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:24 AM PST

    Decisions Need Help

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:51 PM PST

    So, i just took a year break of the game and want to re-roll, i want something that's super viable for grinding but is good in small scale / 1v1 PVP. Does anyone have any suggestions..?

    submitted by /u/TheRealGreedHD
    [link] [comments]

    How is my wife??

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:36 PM PST

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