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    Friday, January 15, 2021

    Black Desert Online Daily Questions and Answers Post - FAQ, New/Returning Player Questions, and Useful Starting Resources!

    Black Desert Online Daily Questions and Answers Post - FAQ, New/Returning Player Questions, and Useful Starting Resources!

    Daily Questions and Answers Post - FAQ, New/Returning Player Questions, and Useful Starting Resources!

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:00 PM PST

    Hello and welcome to r/BlackDesertOnline! Please use this thread to ask any simple, frequently asked questions you have about the game and hopefully one of our helpful community members will be able to assist you. If your post was removed from the subreddit for being a commonly asked question, this is the right place for you to be!

    This thread will be refreshed every three days to allow adequate time for responses.

    Check our sidebar and dropdown menu for links to helpful resources.

    For new or returning players, these links may be helpful for answering your question:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    When you spend money too much on the Pearl Shop

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 11:15 AM PST

    fisher meme

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:08 PM PST

    4,500 hours in the making. Awakened Diné at 27th attempt from a t8 courser that i breed up to from scratch :D

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 11:18 AM PST

    Forgot to buy a compass, ended up at the edge of the world

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 03:33 AM PST

    The new Horse Racing system is REALLY fun, but it grants a hidden speed buff to players not in 1st place, which... kind of defeats the purpose of "racing."

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:17 PM PST

    The new Horse Racing system is REALLY fun, but it grants a hidden speed buff to players not in 1st place, which... kind of defeats the purpose of "racing."


    So in the most recent patch on 1/13 we received the Old Moon Grand Prix, which is a welcome update and revamp to the old and mostly unused horse racing system.

    First things first - I think horse racing is INSANELY fun and the rewards for the daily and weekly are fair. The silver value for race coin rewards seems a little low at the moment, but it's still early and we don't have exchanges for trophies yet, so that could change.

    I have been racing a LOT since the update hit.

    Overall the system and controls are pretty intuitive even if it is very different from regular horse riding. And even though the race horses aren't actually that fast, they FEEL fast in the race which is just as important. But on the surface the premise is simple enough, the fastest horse or best racer wins. ...Right?

    Not necessarily, it turns out. The game gives you a hidden speed buff if you're not in first place.

    And to prove it, I gave other racers a 15-second head start, where I did nothing and just idled at the starting line for a full 15 seconds before starting to run. I still won. (This is a cropped video because I play in 32:9 ultrawide, so you can't see the map or the race standings. If you want the full resolution video, it is here.) And my time was 2:28.36, which is certainly not 15 seconds slower than an average time. This is not a testament to me as some godlike racer, because 2:28 is right around my average finish time. Why did the race not take me 15 seconds longer if I started 15 seconds later?

    Have you ever been racing and seen someone take off like a rocket and just blast ahead of the rest of the racers at seemingly impossible speeds? They're probably not hacking or cheating... they probably missed a checkpoint. The game is compensating them by giving them a speed boost because it thinks they're in dead last. Whenever this happens in your races, you can check the leaderboard on the right of your screen and see that the person with the unreal speed is not actually in the lead despite them running way ahead of everyone else.


    Why would PA give an advantage to players not in the lead? Here are a few reasons a catch-up / comeback mechanic like this might be a good thing:

    • I believe the main reason is likely to help more players get their race rewards for at least finishing a race instead of getting a Did Not Finish result and getting the worst race reward box. In theory this makes sense, but in practice it doesn't seem to successfully serve this purpose.
    • Helps prevent players from feeling bad about doing poorly in races, so that they can continue to race and not just get discouraged and quit racing entirely. PA doesn't want racing lobbies to be ghost towns, after all, especially considering the old horse races were basically dead.
    • It makes races feel closer, which makes them more exciting, maybe?
    • Mistakes are less punishing - if you make an error you can still recover and place well or even win.
    • Maybe it makes up for lag? I dunno, I'm reaching at this point.


    But there are a ton of reasons that having a CATCH-UP MECHANIC in a RACE is a bad thing, and frankly some of these are so common sense that I almost can't believe I need to explain them:

    • Harms the competitive integrity of the race - it doesn't seem fair that players who make mistakes or are less skilled should get speed buffs that are otherwise unavailable to players in the lead who did not make mistakes or made minimal mistakes.
    • Makes timekeeping meaningless. If I finish with a new personal best time but I wasn't in the lead for all or most of the race, then that time isn't really mine. It belongs mostly to the person who was in first who was "pulling" me with him by giving me a speed buff.
    • Race horse gear is basically irrelevant because who needs stats when you can get a speed buff for being behind? Why work to get full +10 race horse gear when you can just leech a speed buff from the guy in first?
    • Races should be about strategy and execution. Knowing when to drift, budgeting your stamina so you know when to boost, etc. Players who execute well should be rewarded and players who make costly mistakes should not.
    • The first 2/3 of the race (at least on the Velia Coastal Cave course) pretty much doesn't count. As long as you're close to the rest of the pack by the time you get to the cave, you have a fighting chance at winning or at least placing top 3.
    • Going faster alters the way your horse handles, which can make controlling your horse feel very inconsistent race-to-race depending on where you are on the leaderboard.
    • Potentially gives players who don't know about the speed boost a confusing and inconsistent racing experience.

    Possible Solutions

    So how do we fix this and make racing feel fair while still rewarding people for participating?

    • I personally believe the speed buff should be removed entirely. I get that BDO is not a racing game and that this is a minigame, but the idea of giving players a speed boost for being behind the leader (an advantage which the leader does not get) in any race is just plain ridiculous.
    • If the speed buff is NOT removed, make the speed buff optional by separating races into ones that do have it and ones that don't. Many Japanese arcade racing games like Initial D and Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune have this as a handicap setting for "friendly" matches, which I am guessing is where the inspiration for this mechanic comes from. But in those games, it is possible to race without the handicap as well, as long as all the players opt out of it. Maybe even give racers better rewards for opting out.
    • If the speed buff is NOT removed, it at least needs to be explained or indicated in some way to players so as not to be confusing.
    • Lengthen the Did Not Finish timer!! A DNF timer of 10 seconds after the 1st place finisher is far too punishing for most players. Extending the DNF timer to 20 or 30 seconds will help more racers at least get their race complete reward boxes without severely impacting other racers.



    Horse Races are fun, but have a catch-up/handicap mechanic where players not in 1st place get a speed buff. This is likely intended to help more players get rewards by making races more "fair" but actually kind of defeats the purpose of a race in the first place.

    Those of you who are experienced racers on the Velia Coastal Cave track, I encourage you to try it for yourself. Either start way behind, or intentionally miss a checkpoint (the sharp right turn just outside of Western Guard Camp is an easy one to intentionally miss, just cut the corner) and look and see how much faster you go.

    submitted by /u/Exvaris
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    incase anyone wondered what the Puck appearance changed fairy looks like (from berserk crossover)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 07:09 PM PST

    Some Nova pics

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 11:09 AM PST

    OMG got my first potion piece ♥

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:32 AM PST

    Valkyrie new outfits

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 01:10 AM PST

    Global Distribution of AP/DP for BDO players, from the updated 2021 Roadmap

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:39 PM PST

    Gotta love monochrome outfits

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:57 PM PST

    Do i just throw away luis pollacks map?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:11 PM PST

    i got the fairy petals, is there a continuation of this quest after or in the future or something? can i just throw all 6 maps away?

    submitted by /u/knight04
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    Velia Inn - Boss Timer and Tools

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:09 AM PST

    Velia Inn - Boss Timer and Tools

    Hi there!

    Been slowly implementing some changes and new features on on veliainn.com lately, gonna list the current features:

    Boss timer/schedule - All times are local, no conversions on your part needed. Also added a stream overlay for those who want an alternative to whatever they use now. Why would you use this instead of others? Reliable updates (most of the schedule is automated; of course, there may be inaccurate info occasionally, but doing my best to avoid that scenario), event bosses (such as events with guarantee Nightmarish Kzarka, or the upcoming Kutum variant since we'll most probably get a week or two with guarantee spawns). Sure, it's just a boss timer after all, so, use whatever you like the most.

    Boss Timer/Schedule

    Imperial Cooking/Alchemy tool - Simply calculates the profit you can make by buying materials from the marketplace and selling the boxes to imperial. Material prices are automatically grabbed from the marketplace.

    Imperial Tool

    Scrolls Profit tool - Calculates the profit/value you can make by running memory fragments scrolls when buying the scroll pieces from the market. Same as the imperial tool, prices are grabbed from the marketplace. There's gonna be some changes to this tool in the near future, read the info on the page for more details about how it works right now.

    Scrolls Tool

    There's been tons of feedback sent since I launched the website, I apologize for the stuff I didn't get the chance to implement/change yet, and thanks for all your contribution! As always, if you have any feedback, suggestions, or simply want to say that the site sucks, drop a comment here or join the Discord (linked on the site) and post on the #feedback channel.

    Stay safe!

    submitted by /u/Xy_o
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    Friends have all the RNG. He got Radiant fairy, and max rolls on all 4...my turn?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:47 PM PST

    Black Spirit, acrylic on canvas 16”x20”. Artist: AkUwU, Balenos, console.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 05:00 AM PST

    Rip MF DOOM (MetalFingers)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:32 PM PST

    Oh, what a pretty characte...

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 07:59 PM PST

    PRI to PEN

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:50 PM PST

    Best spots for rift frags?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:13 PM PST

    I've heard Marie Cave, Cadry and Aakman. I did Marie Cave for an hour with a J's drop scroll and 0 frags from it, Aakman probably isn't a super viable spot for most considering you pretty much already need to be pen tuvala to grind it effectively. Just wondering if people had any other good experiences with other spots or if Cadry really is the way to go.

    submitted by /u/emforay216
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    PSA Race horse doesn't get any desert debuff

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:06 PM PST

    Tried taking the race horse to the desert just to check. And it doesn't get any desert penalty, you can also use all the race horse skills as well.

    I actually found it on the first day of its release itself but thought I'd abuse it to find hysteria portals faster until they fix it.

    Other than that, if your race horse dies you cannot recover it you just have to buy a new one

    submitted by /u/BOMBZ_Dev
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    Any recommendations for finding people to play with

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:02 PM PST

    I'm getting kinda bored of grinding and leveling alone I'm in NA On pc

    submitted by /u/MythicJordan
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    So is it normal for the steam version to be worse than the web version?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:53 PM PST

    I bought it on steam because it was on sale and I like the play time counter. but this game doesn't run super well even and it crashes somewhat often.

    edit: I forgot to mention my debit card denies purchases from payment processed that aren't domestic, so that also why I couldn't get it on the web version

    submitted by /u/jay-bay1998
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    Best PVP Class Right Now?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:10 PM PST

    Hey guys, so I'm starting to play BDO and I don't know what class i should pick for my seasonal. I wanna be able to PVP so which class you guys think is really good right now?

    submitted by /u/Puzzled_Shame
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