• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 26, 2021

    Black Desert Online Really unexpected; turned out really pretty :3

    Black Desert Online Really unexpected; turned out really pretty :3

    Really unexpected; turned out really pretty :3

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:57 AM PST

    Kudos to Season Servers - From a long time Newbie

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:37 PM PST

    I just wanted to say that the season idea has really improved my BDO experience. I've been playing non stop (when I'm not at work) for the last few weeks and its been amazing.

    I purchased BDO several years ago, and every time I tried to play it in the past, it just seemed way too overwhelming. My highest character was only 30ish and I'd not made it much further than Serendia in the story quest.

    With the seasonal server, I've completed the main quest all the way through Altinova, lvled my Nova to 61 and am working on PEN'ing my Tuvala gear (5-6 pieces are already PEN) and finishing the last few season quests. Had you asked me what any of what I just typed was 3 weeks ago, I'd have given you a blank stare and shrugged!

    I knew the game had potential, and I enjoyed the game a lot but the sheer magnitude of starting a character was what was giving my hesitation. Now, I just get distracted by the unending rabbit holes of things to do in the game!

    As I work toward finishing this seasonal character, I'm already getting excited about the thought of creating another!

    So again, Kudos to the Devs for doing Seasonal Servers!

    submitted by /u/Maroite
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    Calpheon is so pretty

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:21 PM PST

    Finally after 4 months 190k kills.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:34 PM PST

    Think I’m rerolling to dk :3 #toohottohandle

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:36 PM PST

    SEA Patch Notes

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:07 PM PST

    Black Desert Max Settings Ryzen 5900x RTX 3080 1080p / 1440p / 2160p

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 02:31 PM PST

    Slow life..

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:14 PM PST

    [Maintenance] Regular Maintenance January 27th 2021

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:50 AM PST

    Does higher gathering skill increase caphras stone chance or is it mastery?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:45 PM PST

    So was wondering, e.g. with chopping trees, is it the gathering skill that dictates chance for caphras stones or the mastery associated with cutting trees down? Or do both have an influence?

    Also, does anyone know what the gathering skill and what do masteries influence?

    submitted by /u/deama15
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    Question about quest leveling.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:37 PM PST

    I'm 56 now and finished the mediah line. I have the chenga tome. Am I supposed to grind to 59? Start another questline? Or do random quests around the little settlements to 59?

    submitted by /u/phatcrits
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    Enabling Korean Language on NA Client

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:11 PM PST

    I want the change the UI (menus, quest info, etc) to the original Korean text. Supposedly it's possible but I can't find any information on how it's done. Can anyone share or PM me the details?


    submitted by /u/mhredditmh
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    Since Black Desert is a Korean MMO. I thought I'd make everyone's favorite Korean Street Fighter...

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:10 AM PST

    Ninja Pvp question - how do I kill someone with 360+DP

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:09 AM PST

    I am finding that most times I am fighting at stars end I am able to full combo these high DP players two-three times during a fight but cannot chew through more than half their HP.

    My current gear set up 269 kutum (281 Nouver) ap / 327dp Full accuracy crystals - I have WON vipers and BMC precision. Level 1 caph dande

    Can anyone help me understand where I am going wrong?

    Is it just the case that I need AP? Or will the extra accuracy crystals that JIN and Elkars give over WON/BMC make a big impact?

    submitted by /u/UnstoppableCrow
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    I've seen 10x different answers online and in-game, does anyone know which butcher knife should actually be used while hunting?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:32 PM PST

    In-game tooltip says magic/lucky don't help, many guides say to use them though. I can't find anything anywhere about butcher knife mastery having an effect either (but i assume gather/mastery has no effect, using hunter mastery instead.)

    Would the knives actually just all the the same then? The "best" one being repairables like manos/dostter/loggia all tier for same gather times. Given matchlocks need repaired every 5 seconds anyway it's not like the dura really matters.


    -noob who likes hunting a lot and wants to go for guru

    submitted by /u/Twitchtv_Leedly
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    Cannot enter the old moon Grand Prix race. Trying to finish the quest.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:09 PM PST

    Help please

    submitted by /u/user4591
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    So I made a seasonal character and this is my first one. I just hit level 54 and I'm not quite done with Mediah yet. Should I drop what I'm doing and get the Chenga Tome first, or should I just finish?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:17 PM PST

    Like the title says. Should I get the Chenga tome before I continue questing, or should I get it after for sidequests?

    submitted by /u/Valyntine_
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    Having strange issues with the game tonight, please help

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:55 PM PST

    Having strange issues with the game tonight, please help

    for some reason the game isn't loading properly, if you look at my picture some characters guild names aren't showing, and instead of their names it just says their class, i can't talk to NPCs, I can't enter any menus. I've restarted the game and my computer, anyone have an idea of what is going on?


    submitted by /u/VideoGameThings
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    New-ish Player Needing Advice

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 01:53 PM PST

    Hey y'all, Ive probably racked up some hours in this game and hit level 61 with a bunch of professions to skilled or higher. But the thing is, Im lost at what Im supposed to be actually doing now. Ive completed the main 193 quest story line and a few others started and never really got excited about questing because loot was minimal and exp gained was next to none. So my main question is what should I do? I guess I dont know if Im supposed to continue the main story for better loot or if I should camp World Bosses more or what. I feel pretty under geared with 196 AP and 242 DP.

    I feel like Im missing a big portion of the game outside of just questing

    submitted by /u/Sir3nek
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    the Anti ̶t̶r̶o̶l̶l̶ ̶ ̶ horse race

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:34 PM PST

    Timing of Oquilla Barter quests

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:40 PM PST

    Optimally, I'd like to be able to get Ravikel's Test (5 Barters) and Serendian Soldiers (10 Barters) at the same time, but something is preventing me from doing that. I notice that if I have Ravikel's quest done and turn it in just before the daily reset (00:00 UTC), I can then get it again immediately after the reset. This does not work with Serendian Soldiers. If I turn it in just before reset, I will *not* be able to get it again immediately after the reset and it appears I can't get it again until after I've turned in Ravikel's once more (this is based on very limited experience testing, so this could be wrong).

    What's going on here? Is it possible to get both quests at the same time and then turn them in at the same time, only to be able to get them both immediately again after a reset? Does Serendian Soldiers have some kind of cooldown period? The text of both quests is essentially identical in terms of when you can do the quests.

    Thanks for any insights or suggestions.

    submitted by /u/RegnorVex
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    Guild Wars System

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:34 AM PST

    Hello guys!

    I looked for this information in several places, including I sent a ticket to RedFox but they didn't know how to answer me exactly, sending me several automatic responses, so I'll ask here and if anyone knows help me please.

    Imagine the following situation:

    A guild, which does neither Node nor Siege, has a declared war and a received war.

    If this guild withdraws the war it declared, but continues with the war received, can it continue to receive wars from 'pvp' guilds that make Node and Siege?

    What I hear about is that "pve guilds can declare war in other pve guilds", so if someone needs to declare war in an 'unprepared' guild, you would withdraw all your wars (regardless of whether you have received wars or not) to get send war on this 'unprepared' guild, because removing all your wars you would become a 'pve guild' even with wars received (however this information has never been confirmed).

    It's too confusing, I know ... but help me please ^^

    submitted by /u/wynnahh
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    I need something for Tamer

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:13 PM PST

    What do you think about tamer? Ä°s tamer good or bad? Heilang is a good boi or bad boi? I just want to hear something for tamer.

    submitted by /u/teomathew
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    How much silver does the current richest player have?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:41 PM PST

    So I'm pretty new and since there are no "real" goals set by the game, I simply started my journey with the goal of becoming filthy rich haha

    Now obviously I'm curious how much silver the current richest player has. I don't want to know what they did to get to that point, I want to find my own way and hopefully have fun doing it ^^

    submitted by /u/DorfkindChan
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